Friday Link Drop

Las Vegas Faces Its Deepest Slide Since the 1940s

Leaving Las Vegas (if they can)

Not Leaving Las Vegas

What was the Gap thinking? – this is as bad as the new UPS logo that was introduced a few years ago.

Europe according to the French

Someone has Wagner on the brain…
Facebook as Rheingold

E-Book Piracy Is on the Rise

In Austria even the Deer waltz.

Because civilization depends on continually making the effort, of never giving in. It needs to be cared for by men of goodwill, protected from the dark. These people gave in. They stopped caring. And because they did, this land fell under the darkness of a barbarism which lasted for hundreds of years.

from the book The Dream of Scipio, by Iain Pears.

cherylmmorgan: An Evening With William Gibson
Postulating as to why modern SF might be less interested in futurology, Gibson suggested that in order to predict the future it is necessary to have a stable present on which to build. The likes of Wells and Heinlein, he said, were sure of the nature of their world, and could thus confidently predict how it might change. The modern day SF writer is faced by a world that changes month-on-month, where technological advances come as a torrent rather than a trickle, and consequently prediction is a much more dodgy process. SF writers, he opined, were much safer dealing with space opera settings such as The Culture which are far enough advanced that there is no need to question how we got from here to there.

And here is a link to a great radio interview with William Gibson

Friday Music

It always works well, I think, to work on a brand new song to see how a new person fits into a band. So here is our rehearsal with a new percussionist, playing cajon along Michael’s drumkit. It’s a quick and dirty recording from last week Wednesday morning, recorded with the most basic setup – just a stereo mic on the drumkit, for example.

It’s a song I wrote last week. Untitled so far.

No download available.


One of the drives in my studio computer failed yesterday. Not surprising, really, since they have been in use since 2003. Will replace all of the drives including the system drive. Until then, I will observe radio silence.



We love bikes – Denmark
Here is a direct link to the video (YouTube)

That lovely video reminded me of this photo I took of Stephen getting a hug from the Free Hugs guy in Santa Barabara in June of 2007:

Thirty Conversation on Design (Video)

Creating content with an iPad

Interesting review of the movie: ‘The Social Network’: How Facebook Sold Our Lives

Sunbather Singed by Shiny Hotel’s Reflected “Death Rays”
Seems perfect for Vegas! Maybe a new attraction, even? How many minutes can YOU stand it? There should be enough rubes out there who will love the challenge. The scent of crispy fried humans… some say they smell like barbequed pork, and some tell me that’s nonsense…

Photographer’s Website – check out the Still Life and the Food sections!

China launches Moon Mission

Nice post on music sculptures in New Zealand
I will have to visit these when we tour there next… I hear rumors of 2011…

So sad:
US medical tests in Guatemala ‘crime against humanity’
And at the very end of the article we find out this:

Prof Reverby has previously done research on the Tuskegee experiment, where the US authorities measured the progress of syphilis in African-American sharecroppers without telling them they had the disease or adequately treating it.

The experiment ran from 1932 to 1972, with President Bill Clinton eventually apologising for it.

1932 to 1972!!!!

More sad:
Undesired: In India, boys are prized over girls with violent results

On Monday: a new song, recorded during a rehearsal this past week…


More playing with the visiting percussionist. Today we played duets in my studio.

I love poached eggs. And do you know what I mean by perfectly poached eggs? For me that means that the egg white is solid, but the yolk inside is still soft and runny. Then I sprinkle a little sea salt, some freshly ground pepper, a few red pepper flakes and a little parmeggiano on it.

I wish I could tell you I perfected the pure method of the Blue Bottle in San Francisco (((just a big pot of boiling water with a tiny amount of vinegar in it… eggs cracked and poured directly into the simmering water…))), but although I tried that many times I never succeeded. Today I tried out a new tool, and it really works. Damn, I think these were better than Blue Bottle’s, because there was no trace of vinegar flavor!!

Perfection, I tell you!! And no scraping egg out of a metal poaching pan… these came out easily with a little squeeze

The link to the poaching pod tool can be found at the end of this post.

Link drop:

Tartine Bread (YouTube) – Website of the bakery in San Francisco

Stoning may be next

A different approach to calligraphy

Little People

It looks like the yoke in the left pod broke, but that’s just glare. And, I ordered these pods here.