Bushfire Summer

I awoke to even more snow but unlike yesterday the sky is blue today, a beautiful watery turquoise, and the rising sun is lighting up the clouds and mountains to the west. Grateful for the snow here in Santa Fe, I read this about Australia:

Bushfire Summer – ABC Nature
This is the story of the 2005-2006 bushfire season – the fire fighters, the people caught in fires and the fire experts…who predict an ominous fire future as our climate continues to heat up.


Humans don’t control nature or the weather, but we do impact them. The results of which seem increasing less hospitable. The 10 hottest years on record have occurred in the past dozen, for example.

Wednesday Lunch

Lunch with Jack Loeffler at Cloud Cliff. The streets are snow-covered and the Prius handles beautifully. Driving 20mph actually feels like a good speed for these steel coaches… I say make that the maximum speed cars can drive inside villages, towns and cities and watch the traffic-death-rate drop from almost 40,000 deaths per year… And at that speed electric cars would get a lot more milage…

A few hours later my head is still buzzing from the many things Jack and I covered in a little over an hour. He has done wonderful radio programs on things that interest me very much, like the Colorado River, the Rio Grande Watershed etc., and we discussed adding these programs – usually 2 – 6 hours in duration – to our ListeningLounge in the form of mp3s that people can purchase and download. When we met at my house in November, Jack brought me a copy of his program on the Camino Real, and I found that it was a wonderful way to soak up a lot of history. Jack combines location sounds with interviews and local music and I would often listen on an iPod while taking a walk.

Wednesday Morning Fish Bowl

White Snow
Woke up to the whiteness. It looks like the inside of a fish bowl or the inside of a giant science experiment – the muted and very even light. No sun visible, just clouds enveloping the landscape from above, while the snow has enveloped the earth. And it is quiet, so very quiet.

Looked up Bill Thompson on Wikipedia this morning after seeing his photo on the Upaya Flickr. Met him a few times at Upaya. Brilliant man, nice man. Last time I saw him, which was around Thanksgiving, we briefly spoke about translations. I told him that while English is a very nice language, German is simply the best language for philosophy. To my surprise he agreed and suggested that the ability to create compound words in German – stringing words together to create new words and meaning – was part of why that is so.

And, in German one can write sentences like: Wenn Fliegen fliegen fliegen Fliegen Fliegen nach!

Christmas+ Santa Fe

Diran Says:
I was looking for one of your CD (Christmas & Santa Fe) in big brand stores, as a Christmas gift . I could not find it. I mean they can order it but they don’t carry it. If i order it, will be late for gift purpose. Is there any reason not to carry in stores this CD?

Hopefully the reason is that they already sold all of the copies they received for the season! I checked amazon.com. They have stock of Christmas + Santa Fe, they sell it for under 10 bucks and they can send it to you in time for Christmas. You could also gift that CD on iTunes. Just search for “ottmar christmas santa fe”. Unfortunately iTunes sells the music on that particular album only as individual tracks.