
DISCOURSE: Seppo and Gensha
‘Ah, not knowing. Very intimate, very intimate indeed.’ When we know, we have the knower and the thing known: that’s two things. In intimacy, there is no knowing. The whole body and mind is involved. It’s not objective; it’s very subjective. There’s no separation.’

A friend of mine referred to Tears in the Rain as being very intimate. I was delighted that he used this word and think that it is very appropriate. I think this music is subjective, un-rehearsed, of-the-moment, deeply personal – and yet maybe exactly because it is so personal it is also universal… I wrote back that I would like the Tears in the Rain music to be intimate and ordinary.

Email : Faith

You shake up my static brain cells. I love the things you make me wonder about. When you first mentioned giving “faith” a bad name I was plumb shocked…till I started thinking. yes, it allows no room for flexibility. A belief, a faith is not shaded. it just is it and no more..The mystery of life we can be sure we will never solve, but how much grander that is if we allow for all sorts of theories. There is so much more that our mere mortal brains can ever know…the wonder of being a part of it is so awesome that we can only allow our brains to delve so deeply and then…at least for me..I feel a shut-off valve that says just trust..whatever that is. It’s not a belief that one certain thing might happen at death or that the universe is a reality or a dream. I just trust.

Yes. A belief is a construct of the brain. Many, many people have killed or have died for their belief. Some people think of that as being very heroic. I like your choice of the word trust. Humans are less likely to kill for something they trust in, aren’t they? But bring up the words belief or faith and the hair raises on people’s necks.

I think we can go the route of the mystic – every religion has them – and experience. Or we can take somebody’s word for it and believe. If we prefer the second option and adopt a faith I think it might be nice if we didn’t hurt other people over it. But, it seems to me, the more adopted (i.e. without experiential understanding) a faith is, the more people are willing to fight over it.

Every belief is a construct is a point of view. I want to see it all. You know what I believe in? Polyview. Everything. All. Nothing. Emptiness. Same thing.

Email : Booklet

On Feb 19, 2006, at 17:06 , somebody wrote:
Where can I find the liner notes for Ottmar Liebert’s Nouveau Flamenco 1990-2000 Special Edition?

You will find a booklet with liner notes inside the CD package of that album. We don’t sell that particular album on our web site, nor do we have replacements for the booklet in case you lost it.

Maybe you bought the CD and the booklet was missing – you should complain to the vendor who sold the album to you.

Maybeyou have received a copy of the CD, in which case you are asking me to supply a booklet to something you haven’t purchased and which is technically stolen goods since Higher Octave/EMI enforces a strict copyright on that particular album. That I disagree with enforcing a strict copyright on CDs is of no consequence.

Maybe you have purchased a download copy of the CD from another vendor, in which case you could ask that vendor to supply a booklet.

I am unable to help you in any case.

Time and Not-Time

Robert Fripp’s Diary
22.57 The creative moment takes place where timelessness & the stream of successive events meet. This moment is where, experienced from within the time stream, time stands still; and, when we move more fully into that moment, where time ends. This is where we were, before we were born. Practising & listening done for the evening.

Thanks for alerting me to that entry, Dave.
It is not time and yet it is not not-time. What is it?
Fripp continues to be inspired and inspiring.