Thursday Rehearsal

Spring is here. Very warm today.

Rehearsal with Michael until 13:30. Jon and I are both very excited about the new band and are looking forward to touring. MC adds a great groove to the music. Worked through new arrangements of Up Close: Beginning, The River and Streetlight.

Luna Negra

Since the last post was about formulae…

40% new quintet.
And, 50% of the new members played with us before… years ago.

December 18th – Rio Rancho

We have received a lot of inquiries regarding the OL + LN XL show in Rio Rancho on December 18th. I am glad you are as excited about that show as we are. Later this week I hope to post a direct link to a place where you can order tickets.

PS: I am told tickets will go on sale on October 1st. At that time we will publish a link for tickets.

The Scent of Light

Echoes August CD of the Month
Ottmar Liebert: The Scent of Light
Nouveau Flamenco pioneer expands in cinematic colors

Ottmar Liebert created Nouveau Flamenco 18 years ago, and he’s been bending and stretching its boundaries ever since. The Scent of Light isn’t a radical departure, but a subtle shading of the Nouveau Flamenco sound with a layered and colored soundscape that brings new breadth and depth to Liebert’s music. The Scent of Light is our CD of the Month for August.

John Diliberto
((( (((echoes))) )))

Thanks. I like the term cinematic colors.

Wednesday in Dallas

Stevo took the photo at the House of Blues in Dallas yesterday.

Fun show. Very vocal audience. It was our first concert at the Dallas House of Blues and we all liked the venue and local crew. We played at other HOBs (Orlando, New Orleans, Los Angeles) and this one in Dallas is the nicest one.

House of Blues: one lonely guitar