Monday in Santa Fe

It started with this Dilbert blog entry, which begins with the statement:

A lot of what passes as creativity is just combining things that aren’t normally combined.

I received an email with the link and quote and responded:

Combining things that aren’t normally combined IS part of the creative process. Other elements of creativity:

and, of course, a dynamic range

(((Please feel free to add to that!)))

Then I went for a walk and kept thinking about the creative process. It seemed to me that association may be the most important part of creativity. That is evident in every art form. Association is what makes for great poetry. Sometimes the association can be very stylized, as in a Haiku. Often the references are cultural. Reading three lines about cherry blossoms might seem merely beautiful or pretty to a Western person, but to an Asian, and certainly to a Japanese person, the cherry blossom always speaks about the brevity and fragility of life.

As long as I can remember my brain has always jumped sideways with lots of associations, like rapid-fire lists of connections and references overlaid on everything I see, hear, feel, taste, touch.

I don’t know whether I turned to art because my brain was shaped that way, or whether art shaped my brain. I think that both statements are true. And my meditation practice (((I have meditated since I was 15 years old))) probably increased the association activity as meditation creates connections between the two halves of the brain.

Associations can feel like happy accidents. Like trains jumping their track and suddenly veering into a new direction. Neurons flying off the beaten path and creating new connections within the brain. One walks down the road thinking of one thing and is suddenly hit by an idea for a seemingly unrelated subject!

Associations can be the result of play or work (((or playful work)))… finding connections, combinations finding a new meaning in an old feeling, finding new words or colors for an old situation.

I think these associations can grow more intense with age because there are more reference points in one’s memory. I write “can”, because some people seem to give up that wonderful and magical ability we are all born with, the ability to let go and play.

I didn’t used to be very aware of how I created, working mostly from my body/heart, I suppose. But, partly because I have been asked so many questions in interviews, partly because I find it fascinating, I have tried to figure out HOW I work. I didn’t contemplate much while recording Nouveau Flamenco in 1989. I didn’t have time for that. I was working a day-job, performed several evenings per week around town and somehow was able to write, record and mix the album under a deadline. I just made the music I wanted to hear. There was no cleverness involved on my part. I didn’t think about combining elements of Flamenco with a Pop-song structure and a strong melody. Sure, later I recognized that’s what I did, but at the time I was just making an album, aware that I had a wonderful opportunity to simply create something different.

I can find a melody over just about any chord changes. I am not sure how that works, but it’s always been easy for me.

to be continued…
Here is a very interesting TED talk I watched last night:


New Logitech Touch Mouse Turns Your iPhone or iPod Touch into a Wireless Trackpad and Keyboard | BLogitech
iPhone and iPod touch owners: If you haven’t had the chance to check it out, go to the iTunes App Store and download our cool new Touch Mouse app. It turns your iPhone or iPod touch into a wireless trackpad and keyboard for your computer, so you can point, click, scroll and type from afar, in any application, on a Mac or PC.

It works over Wi-Fi, so you can use it anywhere in your house and is a great way to control your computer when it’s connected to your TV and you’re lounging on the couch. And to make typing easier, text is displayed on the screen of your iPhone or iPod touch as you type, so you can see what you’re doing without having to continually look up and down.

And the best part is, the app is free!

Nice. Haven’t tried it. Jon said it works quite well. Next step: turning the iPad into a trackpad and making it work with ProTools. That might be the only thing that will get me to update my studio computer, which is an ancient G4 Power Mac with Dual PowerPC processors running at 1.25GHz and OSX 10.3.9.

Alex Ross: The Rest Is Noise: Listen To This
The new book is a panoramic tour of the musical world, touching variously on Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Verdi, Brahms, Marian Anderson, Frank Sinatra, Cecil Taylor, Led Zeppelin, Björk, Radiohead, Mitsuko Uchida, Esa-Pekka Salonen, John Luther Adams, Lorraine Hunt Lieberson, Bob Dylan, and the Malcolm X Shabazz High School Marching Band. In the Preface, I say that the aim is to “approach music not as a self-sufficient sphere but as a way of knowing the world.”

Thank you ochazuke, for this:

Buddha’s Birthday

In Japan, Buddha’s Birthday is celebrated on April 8, but is not a national holiday. On this day, all temples do celebratory events/festivals called 灌仏会 (Japanese: Kanbutsu-e), 降誕会 (Goutan-e), 仏生会 (Busshou-e), 浴仏会 (Yokubutsu-e), 龍華会 (Ryuge-e), 花会式 (Hana-eshiki) or 花祭(Hana-matsuri, meaning ‘Flower Festival’). The first event was held at Asuka-dera in 606. Japanese people pour ama-cha (a beverage prepared from a variety of hydrangea) on small Buddha statues decorated with flowers, as if they bathe a newborn baby.

Birthday Give-Away

Clicking on the above photo will take you to the free track in our ListeningLounge. Only available from today until next Wednesday and only available here.

PS: The free track is no longer available.



I want to celebrate my birthday by giving away music. The piece I shall offer in our ListeningLounge – only from January 29th through February 4th – is a piece that came on the wings of… something. We had stopped recording and Jon was doing something in the control room. I started playing guitar and Rahim began to sing , well, here is a link to my Diary entry from the day after it happened.

I think this piece is an appropriate gift, because it was also a gift to us, in a way. Improvisations like this are the reason why I wanted to become a musician in the first place, to hunt for similar moments of spontaneous combustion.

Jon later added the beautiful bass intro.

Visit the LL on Thursday morning and feel free to tell your friends.

Related entry.