Freiburg Poster

Boris scored a poster from the Jazzhaus in Freiburg and says that the new dates are November 24th in Freiburg and November 28th in Munich. The other German dates will fall around those two. That’s all I know at this point. I know that I will do more shows in Europe that month and have heard about Switzerland, France and the UK. I’ll keep you posted – or check Boris’ Flickr or Blog – he might have the scoop before me. :)

The photo on the poster is by the great Gorman – last year in Santa Fe.

CD: In the Arms of Love

“In the Arms of Love: Lullabies 4 Children + Adults” – a newly designed CD DigiPak with music re-mastered by Jon Gagan – is now available from our web store.

Direct link to “In the Arms of Love”.

From the 2002 review:

In the Arms of Love: Lullabies 4 Children + Adults
Where are you? Gently rocking in the darkness, half-asleep, the shrouded landscape flickering past outside the window. You’re on a train, perhaps travelling through the Rockies, snug in a roomette. The muted chatter of the wheels on the rails, metric, polymetric, isometric… coming and going, going and coming. It’s music. Are you dreaming? Must be. The stars seem larger, their astrological patterns obviously navigating your journey. Anxiety is a thing of the past. Although you are alone, somehow you feel you are in the arms of love…

This is the ambience of “Dreaming On The Starlight Train”, just one of several such quasi-mystical tracks on Ottmar Liebert’s latest CD, In The Arms Of Love. Yes, he actually uses a recording of a moving train as part of his instrumental. It’s background, almost a whisper, a subtlety in the overall mix of the soundscape… yes, “soundscape”, for that’s what this CD is. The 13 tracks make up a narrative, which is like a radio play without the dialogue… or a movie without the picture.

This stuff is extremely down-tempo, like the relaxed breathing of a contented dreamer. It’s also subtle, almost subliminal at times, something the listener can grow into. You could call it environmental music, a means of establishing space. OL is very much an acoustic painter, his sonic architecture always extremely visual. What’s the term? Sprechkunst? The language of music, that quality in the tonality that describes the landscape behind it.

Continue reading.

Also available as downloads from our ListeningLounge.