Boris scored a poster from the Jazzhaus in Freiburg and says that the new dates are November 24th in Freiburg and November 28th in Munich. The other German dates will fall around those two. That’s all I know at this point. I know that I will do more shows in Europe that month and have heard about Switzerland, France and the UK. I’ll keep you posted – or check Boris’ Flickr or Blog – he might have the scoop before me. :)
The photo on the poster is by the great Gorman – last year in Santa Fe.
‘I know that I will do more shows in Europe that month and have heard about Switzerland, France and the UK.’
The UK?
This is great news, I’ll be there regardless of location.
I’ve been a fan since Solo Para TI, but i’ve never had
the chance to catch you live.
Love the poster.
…well, I got the info bcz I’m waiting for seeing Ottmar live in Europe since 1995. I had missed his 1997 Italy tour because I didn’t know about it, and it was only around the summer of that year that Internet and email became a thing of the “masses”, and it took me a while to discover the diary. That’s why I always said if ever Ottmar tours Europe again, I certainly will want to attend more than one show. It has to be sufficient for a lifetime, who knows?! And now that the shows got cancelled, or better: rescheduled, at least I’m in touch with the venues.
Whatever I will learn, I will try to find the time and make it publicly available either in my blog or in the fanblog which you can find here:
Unfortunately I’m the only remaining one who posts and shares there. But all “newbies”, and I’m explicitly inviting fans of Ottmar from outside the US, are very welcomed to participate. Fans from within the US as well, of course, but I assume the info channels are much better organized there.
So in case you want to contribute, share your info or just write about your experiences or impressions related to Ottmar’s music (and Jon’s, and Stevo’s…), please contact Mr. Adam Solomon, our busy Yale student and Flamenco aficionado, whose email-adress you can find in the sidebar of the fanblog. Will be happy to see you around!
in the poster pic, what is the object attached to your guitar above the neck at the 12th fret?