Moka + Saudade

02022-07-08 | Coffee, HuHeartDrive, Music | 3 comments

I am sitting at my table, next to a fan because we have a heatwave, and am having my morning coffee. I followed Matt’s suggestion (in the comment section of this post) and boiled the water before adding it to the Moka pot. I think the purpose of this may be to make the extraction happen more quickly. What it made me realize is why the original design has those edges. I believe they make the pot more grippy. What I found was that I could not tighten my round pot enough while holding it with a towel and when pressure started to build up vapor escaped where the top and the bottom are screwed together. It is interesting that the designers of newer and stainless Moka pots didn’t figure this out! The coffee was good though and maybe I’ll try again with a silicon hot pad that affords more grip. For now I will switch back to adding room temp water.

Today the second single from “Bare Wood 2” was released on all streaming services and digital outlets. I use UnitedMasters for the digital distribution of my music. For each album or single UM autogenerate what they call a Master Link, which is supposed to make it easy for people to click on the logo of service they subscribe to and listen to the music right away. I guess it is considered too labor and time intensive to use the search function of any streaming service to find the piece. Okay. This is the master link for the new single “Saudade”. You will notice that there is a pop up that declares “I wanna get to know my fans better. Shoot me your info and I’ll add you to my contacts.”

Pause. Well, that’s not something I would ever say, is it. And I can’t figure out whether I can kill the pop-up altogether. It’s the reason I have never used the master link before. I did figure out that I can change the wording of the pop-up – but what should it say? (It’s probably also why I am not good at social media or promotion… most of the tools make me cringe…)

Let me know what you think of the master link. Useful? Bogus? Honestly, I don’t even know where that info goes, should you add your name and email to the pop-up. UnitedMasters database? Go ahead, I dare you! Also cookies… don’t you hate THOSE pop-ups? We don’t use them on this website. However, we will have to use them to make a subscription platform work better… so you don’t have to sign in every time you visit the page.


  1. anne

    First – you already collect e-mails. You have a database which you can send out newsletters, updates etc.

    The pop-up is not clear – I can’t see what it is asking for.

    Not sure why social media makes you uncomfortable, social media has a huge reach. Lots of experts in this area that can give you advise/help.

    • ottmar

      No, I do not collect emails. I used to have a pretty big mailing list but got rid of it. I don’t send out newsletters or updates.

      It seems that every single website nowadays asks permission to leave all kinds of cookies to collect information.

      You assume that I want to become comfortable with social media. That is not the case, Neither do I want to learn about it.

  2. MTCallahan

    A cool 54 degrees during my morning coffee. The weather here the last six months is weirder than anyone can remember it being. Late snow in the mountains (which was sorely needed) and a wet Spring, now a cool Summer. Portland had the wettest June ever recorded. Maybe the forest fires will be kept at bay for awhile?

    While visiting my mother last month, I used a round Moka pot and found the same traction issues. It’s a matter of finding enough purchase on the pressure relief valve and the handle. My technique definitely suffers with the stainless version.


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