Public Bike System

Public Bike System | System Overview
The Public Bike System (PBS) was created to offer an attractive and easy-to-use option for those seeking urban transportation that has less impact on the environment than traditional fuel-powered vehicles, and to act as the perfect complement to public transportation networks.

Montreal is doing all the right things when it comes to the bicycle. Santa Fe, on the other hand, is doing all the wrong things…

Multi-millennial seed resurrection

Multi-millennial seed resurrection
The always cool Genetic Archaeology blog has a nifty article on a team of researchers that have managed to get some 2000 year old dates to germinate and produce a tree.  The dates were excavated from the Masada which as built 2044 years ago, and carbon dating of other seeds confirmed their age.  Not quite Jurassic Park, but it could be beginning of a new attraction…  The Biblical Garden.
(Via Long Views)

Electric Car Sharing Service in Paris

Electric Car Sharing Service Announced in Paris : TreeHugger
Paris Mayor Bertrand Delanoë announced yesterday that that program will be in place by the end of 2009 and will consist of some 4,000 cars which program users can pick up from and return to any one of 700 locations throughout the city. Users can either pay a monthly fee or pay as you go by using their monthly transport cards. The particular model of electric car has yet to be determined.

I think the architect Moshe Safdie wrote about this more than a decade ago: the problem of traveling the last few miles after arriving in certain cities that lack good public transportation. For example, after this Summer I will be able to travel from Santa Fe to Albuquerque by train, but Albuquerque has a fairly poor public transport system and if I could pick up an electric car to drive the last few miles – well, probably more than a few because ABQ is so sprawled out – it would make the trip very easy. In a city like Paris it doesn’t make much sense to me, because their Metro is so well designed. But for most western states in the USA an electric car rental/sharing service would be fantastic… think of Dallas, Houston or Phoenix to name a few.

Broken Record: Touring Can’t Replace CD Sales

Broken Record: Touring Can’t Replace CD Sales

Since I started writing this blog last fall, one question has bothered me: with diminishing CD sales and slow ticket sales, why would anyone think that bands can survive on touring alone?

In numerous blogs, news stories and commentary, I’ve read how musicians shouldn’t complain about the loss of music sales because they can simply make up for it through touring and the merchandise they sell at shows.

I have believed, after speaking to bands, booking agents and club managers/owners, that is simply not true in most cases. Finally, someone else asks the question – in this case the Oregonian – and comes to realize the same thing I have, especially considering rising gas prices.

Continue reading.
Thanks for leaving that link in your comment Luz.

Related link. I keep linking to this, because I find that it explains “Free Culture” so well.