Saturday, July 14th

02007-07-14 | Music, Recording, Santa Fe | 7 comments

Went to Barrett Martin’s to jam on some new musical ideas. Of course we also talked about the state of music and found that we both agree on the future of record labels. The majors will become Media Management Companies and the indies will become Music Curators… New major label contracts all state that the label gets a percentage from all income, meaning CDs and downloads of course, but also merchandise, live concerts and endorsements, commercials etc… so basically an artist pays about 20% of his gross to a manager and another 20% or whatever to the label – well, pretty soon the label and the manager will become one and the same…

Indies on the other hand will flourish if they can establish themselves as great curators (the word is latin and means guardian or overseer) and people keep returning to them for the artists they select and present. Sure you can buy any and all albums on iTunes, but shopping on iTunes is not dissimilar from shopping in a mega-CD store or Walmart. Customers might find that they like the smaller selection a little boutique label makes for them. Take Ubiquity Records for example… well, of course we hope to do the same with SSRI and Fast Horse and the Santa Fe Desert sound… We want to create one web destination for our music and are discussing adding a second tier to the ListeningLounge, the music from Fast Horse Recordings. More about some changes to the LL in a separate post.

In the afternoon I was in my studio, recording guitar for one of the new songs. We performed it live in June (during the second half of the concert) and it ended with a beautiful Stevo solo on electric guitar. The song is an interesting challenge because first it alternates between Tangos and Rumba rhythms and in the second half it alternates between 4/4 and 6/8. There are altogether three different tempi and the challenge is to make the flow organic and not artificial sounding. It has to feel right. Anyway, I was very pleased with my progress, but tore myself away to see a documentary about a music festival in Fez, Morocco at the Cinema Cafe. When I arrived at the theater I somehow managed to slam my right ring-finger in the door of my car. Ouch. I raced home and put peroxide ice on the finger, because the skin had split, followed by an hour in ice. The nail has a small dark spot, but the finger didn’t swell up too much. I don’t think I will lose the nail, but the studio will have to wait a while. Damn, that song was turning out so nicely.


  1. Curt

    Owwie! But I guess the alternative would be to live life with your hands in oven mitts…

  2. dave

    What about your trip to Miami for the Big Mind seminar?

  3. ottmar

    Dave: I performed in Istanbul with a gash in my left ring-finger, glued together with krazyglue and after taking a couple of painkillers. I can do this. Might even get to some new musical places this way. :)

  4. laurie

    yikes! – i bet a few choice words were said… maybe in different languages.

    bad timing and the music will be waiting there for you – but my guess it is
    always with you in anyway.

  5. dave

    You’re a trooper.

  6. Carol

    How frustrating that has to be even if you are able to cope with the unexpected. But when you long to do something I know you want to do it now! Do you have your hands insured with Loyds of London? They are precious you know.

  7. Panj

    OW OW OW……i know things like this happen for a reason, but DARN! For the swelling and bruising, but NOT for open wounds, you can use Arnica Oil, based in Olive Oil…it is put out by Herb Pharm in a brown bottle with a gold label…it REALLY works! God Speed to your Healing! I can honestly say, I wish it had been my finger instead of yours, since I only eat with my fingers…


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