from this post on Spoon & Tamago.
from this post on Spoon & Tamago.
Ottmar Liebert World HDtracks high resolution audiophile music downloads
No album added yet. One Guitar and Up Close should become available as 24/96k FLAC soon.
The beauty of simple things, little things, overlooked things…
Watercolor paperclips on Flickr.
iPhone translations:
I wonder how much more likely it is that a person understands a sentence when they can see the mouth move. How important is lip-reading in daily life? I imagine it is more important than we might think.
From a conversation with a friend regarding The Biggest Concert:
das Video schafft ja wirklich einen super Eindruck und ist gut gemacht.
Wie immer glaube ich aber, dass die Realität anders aussah.
Habe einen Bericht im Fernseher gesehen.
Das Publikum hat vor Ort einen oder zwei Musiker gesehen
und auch nur deren Musik gehört.
Wirkte teilweise ziemlich absurd.
Es fehlte für den Betrachter leider der Eindruck des großen Ganzen.
Daher würde ich sagen: Daumen runter!!
Das war ja von Anfang an klar, oder etwa nicht?
Ein Orchester hat zwischen 60 und 90 Musiker. Wenn man nur ein oder zwei davon hört kriegt man nicht viel mit.
Das war natürlich Werbung!
Deshalb Daumen rauf!
Ich finde es toll, dass die Berliner Philharmony mit ihrer “Digital Concert Hall” und jetzt die Hamburger neues versuchen.
And here is how Google translated that:
the video really creates a great impression and is well made.
As always, I believe, however, that the reality looked different.
Have a report seen on TV.
The audience has spot one or two musicians seen and only their music heard.
Acted partly quite absurd.
It lacked, unfortunately for the viewer the impression of the great whole.
So I would say thumbs down!That was clear from the outset, does not it?
An orchestra of 60 musicians and 90. If only one or two of them do not get heard much.That was, of course, advertising!
Therefore thumbs up!I think it’s great that the Berlin Phil Harmony, with its “Digital Concert Hall” and now the new Hamburger try.
That’s English? I think we are still decades away from elegant translation… general meaning, yes, but elegance, that will take a long time.
There is no complete translation, only intuitive understanding is possible. “Talking about music is like dancing about architecture.” How can the intuitive understanding of music be enriched and improved? By opening oneself to the sound one can glean its meaning. As water flows down the brook and fills the bucket, meaning flows from music and fills us with emotions. I feel that there is no bad music, only music made with bad intentions. There is no good music, only music made with good intentions. Clever music can be boring because it was created with the intention of impressing people. The simplest music can be captivating because it was created from joy. I would like my music to originate from the depth of my emotions, from the joy that playing guitar gives me, and not from a need to impress.