Urban Flamenco, the third album by Stephen Duros, is now available in the LL. Sometime in late November the album will become available from all the usual digital vendors and streaming services, such as iTunes,, MOG, Spotify and so on.

Stephen will sell a small edition of 50 signed CDs from his website. These should become available by the middle of November. Check his website for more information.


Urban Flamenco, the third album by Stephen Duros, is now available in the LL. Sometime in late November the album will become available from all the usual digital vendors and streaming services, such as iTunes,, MOG, Spotify and so on.

Stephen will sell a small edition of 50 signed CDs from his website. These should become available by the middle of November. Check his website for more information.

Tuesday Music

Under the Rose – on SoundCloud

Membership has its privileges… In a couple of weeks we will have a special webpage for the project at this location: But, you can already listen to the music, and download 320kbps mp3s, at the above location on SoundCloud. Right now the first 5 tracks are available, the other half of the album will be uploaded this week.

Right now these tracks are just for you, but once the webpage at is up (((I will let you know when it’s ready, hopefully on September 15 or 22))) I would love it if you could let as many people as possible know about it. As I mentioned before, we are giving away the music for free.

Again, the location where you can download half the album now is:
Under the Rose – on SoundCloud

And now for something different. Per Steve’s request, more 24/96 files!

You can download the song Sao Paulo, from the album Up Close, in all its 24bit 96kHz glory here. This is a 248MB file. Your computer may or may not play back 24bit files – consult your manuals or friends. Download the file if you have a 24/96 digital-to-analog converter, or to store if you might aquire one someday. :-)

And remember, you have to use headphones to hear the binaural surround-sound on Sao Paulo!

Here is Stephen listening to the song two years ago.