02009-04-04 | Uncategorized
We are at the Wien Winery in Temecula today. This image was captured by my friend Joe Mozdzen during our performance at the Coach House in San Juan Capistrano last night.
One could talk about the less than average sound system at the Coach House, but no, let’s not dwell on that. We always enjoy performing there, because the audience is wonderful. Lot’s of shouts of “Timmy!!” last night. Maybe we can start a new custom.
You should have seen Stephen Duros after the concert – he was a happy man, unable to contain himself. Nice to see. And here is what Stevo had to say about the evening.
This image on Flickr has been viewed over 5,000 times. I guess Google serves it up every time someone wants to see an image of Vibram Five Fingers – fine with me.
02009-04-03 | Photos
My friend picked me up and we drove to San Juan Capistrano for breakfast at the Ramos House by the train station. My second visit – the first time was last November. Spoke with the owner of the restaurant about trading guitar-playing for breakfast next time.
Here is a thought I had the other day… what if:
– all video and photo cameras were Wi-Fi enabled
– Wi-Fi was freely available everywhere
– all cameras were synched to the same SMPTE time-code – or a similar reference – via the built-in Wi-Fi
– all cameras had built in GPS
This would mean that every frame of a video, for which the creator enabled synch and turned on GPS, could be linked with any other video or photo that was taken at the same time, either in a far away place or in the same location.
Search for a certain SMPTE number, enter GPS coordinates and find multiple points of view. Imagine if millions of people did this and what an amazing tapestry of hyper-linked imagery that would create. It also would enable new forms of creative expressions, that would link photos and video and storytelling into one new hyper-linked medium.
Then I thought about how one can place little Notes on Flickr photos, and how it would be nice to create such notes at any point in a video, which would then link to photos or text. It could look similar to this, which is on the SoundCloud website. One can click anywhere along the track to attach a comment or note.
And now I have to get ready for soundcheck…