Wednesday Rehearsal

Rehearsal 10:00-13:30 and then packing up and transporting gear. Band sounded good, but what’s really exciting is the potential of this group. These two drummers work very well together. It’s always a gamble, putting two drummers together – some make a great team, some don’t. (((not unlike setting up somebody for a blind date)))

Jon recorded every piece we have worked up for this tour, so we can each listen to the arrangements and memorize them on the two-day bus ride to California. Stevo and Jon kept commenting that much of it sounded like an album and I have to agree. Maybe we should record the band for our subscribers after the Summer tour – live in his studio.

In the meantime we should have a few pieces we can release as free Ottmar-Friends downloads… probably with a few warts (mistakes), but with a pretty nice feel.

Overall a great second day. The second day of rehearsals is often a let-down from the first, but not so this time. Now I have to pack…

Tuesday Rehearsal

Picked up Stevo at 09:45 and headed to Jon’s studio. Rehearsed from 10:00 until 16:00.
Brain is trying to retain all of the new parts…
The groove is already deep and I am digging that.

and this photo taken by Stevo:

Thursday Rehearsal

Spring is here. Very warm today.

Rehearsal with Michael until 13:30. Jon and I are both very excited about the new band and are looking forward to touring. MC adds a great groove to the music. Worked through new arrangements of Up Close: Beginning, The River and Streetlight.

Thursday Rehearsal

Spring is here. Very warm today.

Found these blossoms in town. My Casa Monte Frio is always a week or two behind most of Santa Fe.

I love notes like this one:

i heard of you long time ago. but honestly, i’ve never taken time to listen to your music, until a couple of days ago.
i am writing a novel at the moment. and your music perfectly syn with what i am writing. Thanks for the inspirations.
btw, i am in hong kong. the other side of the world from you.

I was hoping to perform in HK this year. That might not happen, but there is still a good chance I might make it to Tokyo in the late Summer.

Breakfast @ CC with Jon. In the course of our conversation we solved several problems that plague the world at present. But, somebody should set up a microphone at our table, because we later forget which problem we solved and how we did it.

Rehearsal with Michael until 13:30. Jon and I are both very excited about the new band and are looking forward to touring. MC adds a great groove to the music. Worked through new arrangements of Up Close: Beginning, The River and Streetlight.

Added my Letters to a Young Musician to this Journal, including a new fifth one. Just click on the category on the right or here.