Self Moving Vehicle

From Neo Bohemia:

neo bohemia – bicycle

Two bicycle sticker designs that I have been working on. Clear stickers with the kanji in either black or white with my red stamp. Thought that they should be presented today.

And here is what the sticker looks like on a biycle:


Old school fixie riding:

It’s called Kunstradfahren in German – Art-Bicycling.

It was quite common in Germany in the Seventies to ride street bikes with regular drop bars turned up, with the ends either facing forward or backward, like you see in the video. I remember riding to school with a bike like that. Un-drop bar?

Saturday Ride

Check out this quote that’s over a hundred years old:

I still feel that varable gears are only for people over forty-five.
Isn’t it better to triumph by the strength of your muscles than by the artifice of a derailer?
We are getting soft…As for me, give me a fixed gear!

–Henri Desgrange, L’Équipe article of 1902

When I picked up my bike at Mellow Velo on Saturday, David had replaced a few parts and the bike rode MUCH better. Could it have been the new 44T chainwheel, the Japanese 1/8″ chain and pedals or this?

I love how silent a fixie runs and how efficiently it transfers power to the wheels. With the new 44T chainwheel I made it up the hill to my Casa Monte Frio.


Nice editing with the music.