It’s done: I removed from digital distribution all of the albums (4) and singles (12) that were released through the HuHeartDrive label since 2019. My work since 2019 is the only work where I control the distribution 100% or I would remove more! :-)
These albums and singles will continue to be available on Bandcamp. In their place I added the new compilation Andante, which should be available from the usual streaming outlets in about a week. I am working on a CD version of Andante, but don’t have a release date for that yet.
What I hope to achieve with this new compilation is to introduce listeners to the music that is available on Bandcamp or on Backstage. I don’t expect to have a lot of impact, in part because I am not on social media, but feel it is what I must do. It’s a Don Quixote kind of move on my part but maybe we should have more Don Quixotes! I have already written enough about streaming services, and won’t get into that now, but feel free to ask questions in the comment section.
Andante is a common tempo marking and means at a walking pace – generally between 56 and 108 bpm.
In musical terminology, tempo (Italian for ‘time’; plural ‘tempos’, or tempi from the Italian plural), also known as beats per minute, is the speed or pace of a given composition. In classical music, tempo is typically indicated with an instruction at the start of a piece (often using conventional Italian terms). – Wikipedia
Here is the track list:
01 raven blue – from Rain Poems
02 2 Alone / On an Island – from vision 2020
03 guitar + pipe – from my video for a Dallas Museum of Art exhibit
04 Nice Bubble – from Fete
05 dreamy afternoon (Lo Fi Flam) – from Rain Poems
06 Saudade – from Bare Wood 2
07 Master Zhuang’s Butterfly Dream – from vision 2020
08 bam boo – from Rain Poems
09 Indigo Two – from Fete
10 elephantear – from Rain Poems
11 Where the River Flows – from Fete
12 Bossa de Petricor – from Rain Poems
13 Uma Dança – from Bare Wood 2
14 Bittersweet – from vision 2020
15 Big Vale – from Fete
Next month Andante will be available from Bandcamp. It will also be distributed to all streaming services, and eventually there will be a CD.