I think I found my next book although it will probably by next, next book. They are all lined up and waiting. The Marginalian has a great write-up about his book: Notes on Complexity: A Scientific Theory of Connection, Consciousness and Being.
Maybe this will wet your appetite too, or go to the link below and read the whole article.
The teeming hordes of living things on Earth, not only in space but in time, are actually all one massive, single organism just as certainly as each one of us (in our own minds) seems to be a distinct human being throughout our limited lifetime… Each of us is, equally, an independent living human and also just one utterly minute, utterly brief unit of a single vast body that is life on Earth. From this point of view, the passing of human generations, in peace or turmoil, is nothing more than the shedding of cells from one’s skin.
Notes on Complexity: A Buddhist Scientist on the Murmuration of Being – The Marginalian