Empty Bowl

For years I have been reading books borrowed from the public library or e-books I bought, but last week I broke down and bought three real books when I discovered this publisher: Empty Bowl. I bought three translations from Chinese texts, by Red Pine (aka Bill Porter). They arrived yesterday and are most lovely editions. Except for Zen Roots these small books are not available as e-books. 

By now I Ihave read Trusting the Mind, by Seng Ts’an, who was the third patriarch of Chan/Zen, twice already. I believe it shall travel with me for a long time, the way a book with the poetry of Ryokan used to. 

Tomorrow Doppelganger

mazer: What is the alternative to appropriation?

kotaku: I don’t know.

mazer: The alternative to appropriation is a world in which artists only reference their own cultures.

kotaku: That’s an oversimplification of the issue.

mazer: The alternative to appropriation is a world where white European people make art about white European people, with only white European references in it. Swap African or Asian or Latin or whatever culture you want for European. A world where everyone is blind and deaf to any culture or experience that is not their own. I hate that world, don’t you? I’m terrified of that world, and I don’t want to live in that world, and as a mixed-race person, I literally don’t exist in it.

I finished two books this week. The first one was Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, by Gabrielle Zevin. The above quote is from that book. It’s quite a page turner, that book, + I really enjoyed it. 

The other book, finished this morning, is Doppelganger, by Naomi Klein. Robby gifted it to me. It’s an amazing book. It’s like a piece that was missing in my understanding of history. Once unpacked + understood, it clicks in with a satisfying sound + then your focus becomes so much clearer. Already gifted the book to several people. Very good.

Audiobook Streaming

Spotify’s new audiobook streaming could have ‘devastating effect’, says Society of Authors
The industry body says the music giant’s move to make more than 150,000 titles available has not been discussed with authors and may compete with sales.

The Guardian

May compete with sales…. that’s quaint. Of course it will. It will crash sales of audio books. 

End of the Week

I am reading The Books of Jacob, by Olga Tokarczuk. Not loving it but it’s a big book and perhaps I need to persevere a little longer. Also reading Time of the Magicians, by Wolfram Eilenberger, with the subtitle The Decade that Reinvented Philosophy.

Last night I watched Lakota Nation vs United States. Amazing people and amazing documentary film. Highly recommended. 

Uploaded a new hybrid mix to Backstage. I call it a hybrid mix because only a few of the tracks were encoded binaurally and the majority of the tracks were in stereo. I like the sound of it and will do more such hybrid mixes. 

Uploaded the last entry I wrote during my cave retreat. I’m already contemplating my next visit.  :-)

Reasons to be Cheerful posted about the Miyawaki Method. Brilliant!

Founded in 2017, Boomforest is taking an approach to reforestation known as the Miyawaki method. Developed by the Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki in the 1970s, the concept is to plant tree species that are native to the area in a very dense and layered manner — three per square meter — in order to recreate the richly fertile conditions of the natural primitive forests that once covered the planet. It is in contrast to the slower, more orderly and homogeneous processes of traditional reforestation.

Dense Micro-Forests Are Thriving in France

Ted Gioia wrote about a new study of music and well being:

So I was intrigued by a new study from the British Academy of Sound Therapy—which looked at how people use music to improve their mood and physical well being.

They studied 7,581 people and learned that:

  • 89% of people believe music supports health and well-being.
  • Music creates an optimal state of relaxation in about 13 minutes.
  • The best music for relaxation has a “slow tempo, simple melody and no lyrics.”
  • Music can alleviate sadness, and 13 minutes is an optimum time for achieving this.

All these results converged on a time frame of 9-13 minutes before music demonstrates desired levels of efficacy.

Half of Waking Hours Are Now Devoted to Entertainment

Maybe I should make some extended versions of slow pieces. Which ones should I work on? 


SOME OF US who live in arid parts of the world think about water with a reverence others might find excessive. The water I will draw tomorrow from my tap in Malibu is today crossing the Mojave Desert from the Colorado River, and I like to think about exactly where that water is. The water I will drink tonight in a restaurant in Hollywood is by now well down the Los Angeles Aqueduct from the Owens River, and I also think about exactly where that water is: I particularly like to imagine it as it cascades down the 45-degree stone steps that aerate Owens water after its airless passage through the mountain pipes and siphons. As it happens my own reverence for water has always taken the form of this constant meditation upon where the water is, of an obsessive interest not in the politics of water but in the waterworks themselves, in the movement of water through aqueducts and siphons and pumps and forebays and afterbays and weirs and drains, in plumbing on the grand scale.

Holy Water, from the book The White Album, by Joan Didion.

Notes on Complexity

I think I found my next book although it will probably by next, next book. They are all lined up and waiting. The Marginalian has a great write-up about his book: Notes on Complexity: A Scientific Theory of Connection, Consciousness and Being.

Maybe this will wet your appetite too, or go to the link below and read the whole article.

The teeming hordes of living things on Earth, not only in space but in time, are actually all one massive, single organism just as certainly as each one of us (in our own minds) seems to be a distinct human being throughout our limited lifetime… Each of us is, equally, an independent living human and also just one utterly minute, utterly brief unit of a single vast body that is life on Earth. From this point of view, the passing of human generations, in peace or turmoil, is nothing more than the shedding of cells from one’s skin.

Notes on Complexity: A Buddhist Scientist on the Murmuration of Being – The Marginalian