
Will wrote:

    I am down for a subscription service….some ideas for subscription:

  1. Interviews like above
  2. Art musings
  3. test musical pieces
  4. Live Ottmar fan interaction via Web Chat or Youtube live
  5. Other musings
  6. Recommendations (food, daily items etc.)
  7. Santa Fe/New Mexico Musings
  8. etc

All of those ideas are good and doable. I do like the interview series and have ideas for many more episodes. Is YouTube Live similar to Twitch with live commenting? I especially like #8 from your list! :-)

Other ideas:

  1. Substantial discount on albums – CDs as well as digital releases. I could also envision special albums that will only be available to the members. I also have hundreds of live recordings in the archive.
  2. Storytime: I would love to share some stories from touring, traveling, as well as personal experiences. I don’t know whether I am a good storyteller, but I would like to play with that and develop it. Little 5 minute video pieces is what I have in mind. That length would be compact enough to fit anywhere in your schedule and shouldn’t take too long to produce.
  3. I am about to make some changes in my life and would like to document the new journey.
  4. A better way to present photography. I never liked the square format of Instagram and while one *can* present images that are not square they are too small to be enjoyed.

I had more ideas, but can’t remember where I put my notes…

Stephen Duros

Last week I spoke to Stephen via Zoom. We both wore headsets and as a result this recording sounds better to me than when I spoke to Jon a while ago.

You will notice that I created a new word when I said “furiated” instead of “infuriated”. Although economical, since it uses two letters less, I don’t think it will catch on. :-)

The photo of Stephen, taken a few years ago in Stockholm, will make sense after you listen to the conversation.

Video about Yves Klein’s work (YouTube)

This is the kind of post that I want to create for the subscription only blog, once the website has been redesigned.