
02019-07-12 | HuHeartDrive, Music, Ottmar, Recording | 13 comments

The new album has gone through a whole bunch of different titles, from the first working title Rumba Pa Ti, which was a reminder to myself that I wanted to create an upbeat album, to Hu, which I’ll write about separately, to Indigo, and now Fete. This last one seems to stick for several reasons. When Jon heard the first track of the album he sent me a message that said “this song is a party”.

In Köln, in the mid-seventies, we always used the word Fete for party, pronounced with two syllables instead of one… Fete or Fête, comes from the French language. A lot of French words are used in Köln. Portemonnaie means wallet, or Pottmonné in Kölsch, the local dialect. The dialect word Trottewar comes from the French Trottoir, or sidewalk.

Although Indigo was my favorite album title for a while, because the song of that name started a new development for me, it became clear that Fete was the right name for the album.

Because the music is upbeat – joyful is the word several people who listened to new songs used – I wanted a strong color for the cover. I really haven’t used color in ages and for a long time my albums tended to use neutral or earthy tones. I opened Lightroom and searched the 16,000 images I have collected there for the word red. I played around with a few of the images – this is a photo I took when we performed at a theater in Ecuador a few years back – and this one stood out for me. I imported the image to an iPad and played with it. I like the hand lettering which gives the cover the feel of a personal postcard.
Fete is in the final stages and I hope to have the album finished by the end of July. The ListeningLounge is very old and rickety and I have been convinced to replace it by joining Bandcamp. That means that the LL will go away within the next few months, to be replaced by a Bandcamp page on this website. The album will first be released on Bandcamp in multiple downloadable formats – this should happen sometime in August. Next we will have CDs for sale at our concerts, although I don’t have a target window for that yet. I imagine I will also start selling the CD via mail order. The rest of the usual digital distribution, including streaming services, will have to wait a while.

Fete will be the first album, catalog number 001, for my new label HuHeartDrive.


  1. cate

    would love to see you again in SF
    WILL try to plan my yearly Florida trip to line up with the show there.
    love , love , love the music!!

  2. MT Callahan

    Many fond memories of the Listening Lounge from back in the beginning. Buying what was then Tears in the Rain, one track at a time, being the best of them.

    I’ve purchased dozens of albums from Bandcamp with no trouble at all. Looking forward to buying Fete there soon.

  3. Elly McLean

    Sounds like a fabulous album! My sister and I saw you twice in Melbourne, Australia some years ago and loooooved your music. We gave you the nickname of ‘The Barefoot Guitarist ‘ at the time. One of my favorite albums is still ‘Opium’ ….both CDs in the box! Thanks heaps for many hours of entertainment xxx

  4. Pamela Garcia

    Ottmar, I have been a fan for years & have seen you in concert back in my home town of San Diego, CA. I am homeless & looking for work in Bowling Green, KY. I have rhumatoid arthritis & other health challenges. Never any drugs or law trouble. I am sound of mind & spirit. Your wonderful uplifting music is always in my head to keep my spirits high as I face each new day. I love u for that!

  5. Jane Katz

    Dear Ottmar,

    Fun discussion of language in Köln. I love languages, which of course are of the same elements as music.

    You are fascinating. This red is thrilling. The hand lettering does evoke a sense of personal contact, of power AND vulnerability. I like the way the cross line of the “f” in “fete” extends over the “e”, where I’m used to seeing the carat. But it’s nice and simple. I felt disturbed by the knots in the curtains, and as I kept looking I became mesmerized by the infinity of the black space and the rich folds of the material. Really GOOD. Can’t wait to hear the music! I joined Bandcamp.

    Looking forward to hearing about Hu.

  6. Gabriele Hegner von Remberg

    Hey, Hildesheim 13 Juli 2019

    Deine Musik habe zum ersten mal 2003 in Bremen in einem Bio Laden gehört,
    das hatte mich so fasziniert das ich den Inhaber nach dem Titel und Interpreten fragte. so viele Jahre ist es her und ich frage mich ob es mal eine Möglichkeit geben wird dich live zu erleben.


  7. Delphi

    Dear Ottmar. Do you have plans to come to Australia soon. Recently discovered your beautiful music.

  8. Boris

    Yes fond memories of the LL and how I always wondered what password I used when logging in … :-) First comes to my mind is how I listened to Le Cafe again and again at the beginning of 2004 when spending some time in Spain. Don’t know Bandcamp yet but will check it out!

  9. Dale Taddie

    I am going to have to travel to the Great Southwest if I hope to ever see you play in person. A friend was recently in Sante Fe and said she saw a really excellent flamenco guitarist performing at a local art gallery. Perhaps it was you ??? Hope that my wife and I will get there someday but until then we enjoy listening to you while sipping Margeritas on our patio in Ohio. Gracias, Amigo.

  10. Donald Copp

    Tour? It would be lovely to see/hear you play at The Caverns, here in Tennessee.

    Regarless where you play, l hope you get close to my part of the world again, it’s been years since the last time…

  11. Jean-Guy Huard

    Hello Ottmar
    Your music is the only one that I can listen to at any time of day. Like emotions have colours music for me belongs to a certain time of the 24 hour cycle. Your music reflects all the emotions and colours that I can only describe as being directed to the souls of anyone who listen to it.
    I’m from Montréal but now live in Winnipeg and my wife and I are really hoping that you would find a way to direct your next tour to anywhere in Canada. We saw you last in Ottawa for the Waiting ‘n’ Swan tour and would loved to catch you again nearby.
    All the best of success with your next tour.
    Peace to you too.

  12. Sven Hanselmann

    I love your music since nouveau flamenco. and this new album FETE is in my opinion one of your best! keep listening to it for weeks… I really would like to give this album as a present to many people… so instead of burning it myself, I wanted to buy like 10 copies on cd but couldn’t find anywhere to buy them?! could you make it available on cd via mail order please??? would be great and highly appreciated! big cheers from switzerland and hope to see you LIVE one day…

  13. Sante Campanile

    Hello Ottmar,

    Wonderful concert last night at the MIM in Phoenix. I’ve been listening to your music since Nouveau Flamenco but this was the 1st time my wife was introduced to your music. You can now add her to your long list of fans.

    All the best!


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Concert Dates

Tue, Feb 11 2025 in Solana Beach, CA
@ Belly Up

Thu, Feb 13 2025 in Fontana, CA
@ Stage Red

Sat, Feb 15 2025 in Agoura Hills, CA
@ The Canyon Club

Sun, Feb 16 2025 in Santa Barbara, CA
@ Soho

Mon, Feb 17 2025 in Santa Cruz, CA
@ Rio Theater

Tue, Feb 18 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s

Wed, Feb 19 2025 in Oakland, CA
@ Yoshi’s


@Mastodon (the Un-Twitter)