Friday in Las Vegas

02010-07-09 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

Very interesting article about the music biz. It’s and that means lots o’ typos, but you should read it anyway. It’s quite good, or maybe I just agree with much of it, at least with his reading of what’s going on.

There is only a little while before the show tonight, but I will write down my comments in the next few days.

1 Comment

  1. Brenda

    I believe that the Susan Boyle fame in the USA began because she had a spirit within her that I would call “truth of character” or “real identity” which is rare in today’s society. She is not fake. Truth can not be purchased or can it? Susan appears to be accepting of who she is; so people related to being in a relationship with someone who would accept them for who they are with all their imperfections. Susan’s singing was a voice telling them not to give up on their day to day goals of life. The connection to make an investment or purchase of her CD would become “motivational music” to acheive a goal in their lifes. When people listen to music, it is not just music, it is the connection of a relationship of the person that created the music along with the feeling of the sound that changes the listener’s relationship to the world around them. Someone (Susan) understood and listened to them.
    Today’s music is recorded and we play it over and over again just as during the day’s of the 45. The truth of the music is in our hands forever with a CD purchase and no one can take the truth of music away; not even a internet hacker.


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