Thursday, November 6th

02008-11-06 | Bicycle, Photos | 0 comments

It is very frisch this morning – a German word that means “fresh”. Sometimes used instead of cold…
It’s 20ºF or -7ºC. The sky is a clear, cold blue.

Haley Tricycles|Home
Haley Tricycle Co. is dedicated to creating reasonably priced, durable urban cargo tricycles. Our trikes are built for transporting large, heavy, or numerous items around town quickly and efficiently. They are used for personal cargo transport as well as medium commercial use. Haleys use easily serviceable and upgradeable standard bicycle components.
(Via Copenhagenize)

From Philadelphia, PA! And one has to love this:

Discounts are available for students, musicians and artists.

Photo-collage showing the variety of Danish Cargo bikes (from this L.A. Times article)

The exploding lock… not a bad idea. But won’t that push locks over the $100 mark?

Cyclists Fight Back with Exploding Bike Lock : TreeHugger
This bike lock deters the opportunist thief by making the abuser’s experience as unpleasant as possible without having a detrimental effect on the user.

SmartLock is a cable lock that has cores of compressed air and liquid running through its body. If cut, the liquids spray out over the perpetrator, his tools, the bike and the scene of the crime. A bike that has been stolen will be covered in coloured dye (the dye renders the bike undesirable and therefore unsellable )

I remember seeing Jürgen Teller taking photographs at the Yohji Yamamoto show I took part in – 1991 in Paris. Always liked his photos. Here is a video interview with him for a Tate Modern photography exhibition.
He looks to be a good ping-pong player as well…

The new Canon 5D Mark II is an amazing piece of gear. Greg Gorman was using one in September. At first I was baffled why one would want HD video on an SLR camera, but with newspapers moving online there is a higher demand for video and photo-journalists are being asked to provide vid-clips on top of photos. Greg did a demo where he shot video AND took photos – using the photo button freezes the video for maybe two seconds to capture the hi-res still. And check out this video from Tokyo which also highlights the 5D’s low-light capabilities: Tokyo Reality
(Via Gizmodo)

Nice Japanese bags and backpacks:

Traccis backpack
Featured here.
Traccis Web site
(Via Pop Wuping)

Alex Grey is painting Obama – via Santa Fe photographer Jennifer Esperanza’s Flickr.

Watched this following video last week. Fantastic!! One Zander into every high-school!!!

The Benjamin Zander Pop!Cast: “How fascinating!” | The Pop!Tech Blog
Benjamin Zander, conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, treated the Pop!Tech audience (and Nikolai, his lucky student) to a transformative music lesson. Now you can view the Pop!Cast and watch as Ben coaxes the magic out of his student, who before our eyes infuses his playing with more passion and joyous emotion then you would think possible from a fifteen-year old.

I’m off to have breakfast with a really good bass-player.


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