
02006-06-12 | Music, Musings, Performance, Photos, Touring, Travel | 1 comment

Woke up early on Sunday morning and watched as a hot-air balloon was readied for flight. Then Jon and I took a walk in the area for an hour and a half. Many houses are being built. What will those folks do when their children have left and they are faced with having to drive quite a distance for everything? Will it become popular for these sub-urbanites to hire live-in help or will they re-discover cities?

The show at the winery went well and the quartet is really starting to sound good. We took UnderWorld/Cocteau to new and exciting places! Jon used soft-synths live for the first time and to our ears it sounded better than the “hard” synth…

1 Comment

  1. Boris

    Oh, I hope it will be possible to make some mp3s of this available in the LL – or via podcasting…


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