Different way to go

A different way to play guitar. Or, playing guitar is for the birds. Or, how to inject some random in yer playing:

Thanks Y.

Friday in Santa Fe

And the whites and grays give way to the blue, as sunshine returns to Santa Fe.

In case you want to know what our names look like in Japanese:

Here is a video from the Blue Note Tokyo website – they put the whole thing together and selected and edited the music. It’s interesting that they cut off the end – one feels suspended and the suggestion seems to be to come hear the rest at the Blue Note. Nice.

David Hockney paints on the iPhone. Also, nice article on Hockney in the Guardian this weekend.

BBC has another commentary on the present and future of music.

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | The golden age of infinite music
Not long ago, if you wanted music, you had to save up your pocket money, take a trip to the local record shop and lovingly leaf through its racks.

Now, it’s almost all free, instant and infinite. And our relationship with music has changed forever.

Like any revolution (((like anything that happens, really))) the Digital Revolution will only be understood in hindsight. Say, ten years from now, or fifty.

In the meantime we’ll just have to move forward somehow, as if in a dark hallway, slowly feeling our way to the exit, or entrance as it may be. Many will trip, many will fall, and eventually we will be out the door, wondering about what happened, and what took so long (((and why nobody left a light on))). Maybe the solution will be terribly obvious – in hindsight. It usually is.

Walking + Advice

This guy walked four and a half thousand kilometer through China…

…and this guy gave free advice in Copenhagen:

Free Advice by [Zakkaliciousness].

This guy just whipped up a table and chairs on the sidewalk and put up a sign saying “Free Advice about Anything – and Coffee”.

He sat there for a few days and there was seemingly always somebody speaking to him.

Around 2020 or 2021 you might find me walking through Japan, retracing the steps of the Japanese poet Basho… Oh, and this is something I read sometime last week…

Official Google Mac Blog
I told them about my neighbor’s bumper sticker:
“It’s Not That I’m Old. Your Music Really Does Suck.”

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