Walking + Advice

02009-09-01 | Uncategorized | 5 comments

This guy walked four and a half thousand kilometer through China…

…and this guy gave free advice in Copenhagen:

Free Advice by [Zakkaliciousness].

This guy just whipped up a table and chairs on the sidewalk and put up a sign saying “Free Advice about Anything – and Coffee”.

He sat there for a few days and there was seemingly always somebody speaking to him.

Around 2020 or 2021 you might find me walking through Japan, retracing the steps of the Japanese poet Basho… Oh, and this is something I read sometime last week…

Official Google Mac Blog
I told them about my neighbor’s bumper sticker:
“It’s Not That I’m Old. Your Music Really Does Suck.”

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  1. yumi

    Enjoyed everything about that video. Dedicated.

  2. Matt Callahan

    I would have that bumper sticker

  3. Carol

    I love the advice stand like Lucy’s in Peanuts. What a fun thing to do.I for sure would have wanted to meet him.
    My son ran the information counter at Iowa State University, and he said many would ask things about history,people etc…not just direstions. He learned a lot by running it.

  4. Boris

    I have seen a report about a guy from Berlin doing the same in Central Asia. The TV crew gave him a lift for some miles and was astonished to find him walking on when they filmed a local festivity the next town.

  5. dave

    Quite the journey.


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