Ah, Metheny’s hair fits perfectly!! Also, Mapquest lets you name the Gulf however you want. I dedicated it to my father – LINK.
Ah, Metheny’s hair fits perfectly!! Also, Mapquest lets you name the Gulf however you want. I dedicated it to my father – LINK.
In English, we pay attention. In French, we make it. In German, we gift it. In Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian, we lend it, as though attention is something that can be used and then duly returned. In Finnish, attention is gathered or added, like a spice that seasons perception. It’s a broad linguistic trend that begs a couple of questions: Are we using this resource efficiently? Are we paying attention to what we should be?
On the Beauty of Distraction | House of Beautiful Business
I like this part:
When performing our lives trumps the actual living of them, attention becomes a commodity. The market vies for our time and focus, knowing there’s a direct correlation between what we pay attention to and what we, quite literally, pay for. This commodification feeds into a larger societal pressure to constantly do more, achieve more, and be more. We live in an era of relentless ambition, where success is often measured by how much we produce and how little we rest. The hustle culture further fragments our attention, as we’re constantly pushed to divide our focus among numerous goals and tasks.
I wonder whether politicians who think a liberal art education is a waste of time, or that art needn’t be taught in school ever thought of this… that sooooo many of the musicians they listen to went to art school. Here is a partial list of musicians that went to art school in England:
Interesting to note that Bowie attended the Bromley Technical High School, where he studied art under the instruction of Owen Frampton, father of guitarist Peter Frampton.
I bought a bar of chocolate. On the back was printed:
Our chocolate is infused with a 528hz love sound frequency to raise your vibe.
I was intrigued because I hadn’t heard of this love frequency thing. Calculations showed that 528hz would be a very sharp C5 on the piano – since with A4 tuned to 440 the C5 should be 523.251hz. I sent a message to Robby who in addition to being an amazing drummer also plays kora and guitar and piano and sings and… is an excellent piano tuner. I asked Robby whether he ever received a request to tune a piano to make C5 = 528hz. I imagined that Santa Fe or Sedona would be places where that could happen. Robby replied that nobody had ever asked him to tune a love-piano. He hadn’t heard about this frequency either BUT had inherited a tuning fork from another piano tuner that was 528 cycles. He never had occasion to use it and had wondered what that was about. Perhaps SOMEONE had requested a piano tuned to this frequency?
Ottmar: I wonder how they arrived at 528hz being the love frequency?
Robby: Because it is sharp.
Ottmar: Love has a sharp edge?
Robby: Cuts like a knife.
Ottmar: Mystery solved.
Do you remember that ad for Memorex cassette tapes? Is it live or is it Memorex?
I think we will be asking ourselves Is it real or is it AI? constantly during the next few years.
If you want to understand the cataclysmic impact generative AI is about to have on the film industry, this one short video should make it very clear. – Film sets of the near future: Just as fake as the ‘film’ itself
Only one shot is real – the behind-the-scenes footage at the end of the video.
I think that all streaming platforms, video as well as music, need to be compelled by law to label any and all AI content. People can choose to listen to AI content and watch it, but it needs to be a choice. It will also be the only way we can choose to support the work of people in the film and music industry.