Gone Fishing

02023-08-03 | Meditation | 4 comments

As of Monday I will be gone fishing for a week. But I don’t fish!?

So by gone I mean I’ll be away in the wilderness and by fishing I mean that I will be on a meditation retreat. Fishing in the pond of my mind. Fishing for emptiness. (Link to an explanation of the concept of emptiness in Buddhism) 

When I return I hope my mind will be the mirror-like surface of a bottomless deep blue mountain lake. Fat chance of that… the waves will continue! I will report when I return. Or sooner, if I find a tree that has wifi.


  1. anne

    Fishing for emptiness…..funny

    A week in the wilderness sounds great.

  2. JaneParham

    You wrote a poem here.

  3. Elisabeth

    I remember an emptiness méditation that asked this question : what is me ? My eye ? My hand ? My name ? My work ?… Finally, nothing. Marguerite Duras said : « Tout est dans le tout ». I’m in everything and everything is me.

    I felt a great relief ! I was free of all forms, all limits. Then, I saw an illimited space of peace. For me, the desert reflects this state.

    To be or not be ? I choose to be nothing because it’s a possibility of inner transformations. Sainte Elisabeth de la Trinité wrote : « I keep quiet and I listen to God. ». I think the silence is the word of the wise in all religions, cultures or countries…

    The silence saves my life every day.

    • JaneParham



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