In the company of a mountain

02023-02-21 | Environment | 1 comment

Mostly I am still, basking in the absolute silence, unobserved by others, answering only to the mountain and to myself. The freedom is absolute, and it is exquisite.
My three decades alone, basking in the company of a mountain | Psyche Ideas

Beautiful article about living three decades alone, in the company of a mountain.

1 Comment

  1. Steve

    This is an absolutely excellent article. I was particularly struck by :

    >At a very basic level, I’ve become intolerant of noise. Away from the mountain, common sounds (a car door slamming, playgrounds, copy machines, even people coughing) are magnified. My senses are easily overwhelmed.

    I completely relate to this, and I don’t even live on a mountain.


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