Liquid Congas

02022-12-24 | Music, Studio, Technology | 3 comments

I worked out a new setup for my beloved Stax headphones, which I have used on every album for more than twenty years. Since my Weiss DAC2 uses FireWire and my new laptop only has UCB-C I had to find a new way to get digital audio from the computer to the balanced analog inputs of the Stax headphone tube amp. I didn’t want to spend a lot of money and I wanted something versatile that I can tote with me, if necessary. I settled on a CEntrance DACport Pro, which, at $370, doesn’t break the bank. I found the DAC waiting for me when I returned from Lisbon late on Thursday. The next morning I connected it to the laptop and the Stax.
IMG 8155
The DACport Pro is small, smaller than my phone and a little more than twice as thick, looks well built, and gets power through the USB-C connection with the computer. Compact. I opened the album Cachaito and gave it a listen. Nice. Listening to the second track of album, called Redención, I had the impression that the congas sounded liquid, like a river playing in time. So I looked up the conguero, who was Angá Díaz. Then I discovered his solo album Echu Mingua. Very nice. And so a few hours passed… Nice to be able to listen to the Stax again.


  1. Jane Parham

    Ah. Life is beautiful!

  2. Ali Shafai

    Which Stax headphone do you use, Ottmar?

    • ottmar

      I have the SR-404 headphones and use them with the SRM-006t tube amp. I bought the set in 1999. Aside from having to replace the headband assembly several times, because it’s made of a brittle plastic and snaps easily, I only replaced the ear foam once because I wore it so much. 23 good years! :-)
      The Stax don’t have the warmth of Audeze headphones but I find them unparalleled for hearing the room and the exact placement of an instrument.


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