Social Club

02022-12-21 | Environment, Lx, Trees | 2 comments

In the evenings I sometimes pass a hotel, located on the corner of an intersection. Large trees line the street and three of them stand in front of the hotel. Birds congregate in those particular trees, as one can hear because they are the only ones from which their chatter spills. There are lights mounted on the hotel that shine against the warm yellow walls, creating a pleasant indirect light. Birds pick those three trees to meet in, nightly, as if they were a public house for birds. And why wouldn’t city birds pick three pleasantly lit trees to meet in, after a long day of searching for food. The Three Tree Social Club for Birds.


  1. JaneParham

    I love your sweet thoughts.

    At all hours of the night, I hear the dearest little soft, intimate bird sounds through my closet skylight. I hear them at midnight, 3am, 4am, whenever I go into the closet. First, I feared a little one was stranded on my roof, but no. They are in the tree near my roof. I thought they would be fast asleep. Now that I think of it, the closet light shining out through the skylight must disturb their slumber. I will be more considerate from now on.

  2. Steve Lea

    It is more challenging to find songbirds and always a moment to cherish their gathering and songs. Uplifting and simple. The harsh freeze in Boerne have brought them back together in my habitat. Peace on Earth.


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