
02022-07-15 | Lx, Photos, Portugal, Writing | 3 comments

In a narrow cobblestone alley a few sunflowers have sprung up. Were they planted or did they surprise? In any case, they seem well cared for. The flowers are tied to bamboo poles that hold them up. The ground appears to be watered. An older person might be the caretaker of these flowers, judging by the handrail that was installed to help them negotiate the three steps into the house. It’s a simple bathroom handrail, like the ones I installed in my house, when my dad lived there. The handrail is simple and artless, in a beautiful way, making me imagine that an engineer lives here. If the sunflowers were volunteers, they could not have picked a better spot. They look perfect in front of the yellow house. Or perhaps the engineer has a partner who wanted to obscure the practical handrail by planting sunflower seeds and watering them. The gleam of the chromed handrail won’t be quite as obvious if sunflowers grow here, they might have thought.


  1. anne

    good choice …grows tall, easy care and a very practical plant – get seeds to eat.

    Would suspect either an elder person/couple live there. or just a very sensible person.

    Dangerous steps indeed !

    The road looks dangerous too. Don’t people complain there?

    Falling at any age is no fun, but with elder people – extra care is needed.

    Falls that can be avoided with practical changes makes more sense to me.
    (suspect falls can add huge costs to health care budget -adds strain on families …somebody has to care for injured person).

    • anne

      locals must get used to it.

      You are not a local, may be wise to avoid? No control- happens in seconds !

      Mindful steps.

      • JaneParhamKatz

        Well, I declare!


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