Tuesday Morning

02021-02-16 | Photos, Santa Fe | 8 comments

Just as I was about to take the photo the tree decided to drop some snow. I caught the moment. Thanks! I shoveled snow for half an hour and this stuff is super light, lighter than anything I have experienced before. I thought of marshmallows, but they are too dense compared to this snow.

I shoveled a path to my studio and listened to slow. The music and shoveling the fairytale snow combined to create a beautiful mood. When I was done I almost looked for more snow to shovel.

In the kitchen I drank a glass of hot Pouchong tea and I listened to this piece, which combines music and the sounds of me walking through the snow.


  1. JaneParhamKatz

    Beautiful, Ottmar. I love the ten-layer cakes and cupcakes all over the place.

  2. Nancy

    The snow is beautiful. Great photo. We have about a foot here where I live. Today we are finally out of negative temperatures for the first time in days. Ours is very light snow also and would be great for skiing. Stay warm!

  3. anne

    Fresh snow – just so beautiful. Cold snowy winters, the best.
    (Enjoyed your recording…the sound of you walking travels from ear to another and back again- stirs the imagination).

  4. Boris

    Oh, how I miss shoveling snow! I deeply enjoyed it every time throughout many years. Unfortunately my parents moved away from the town at the foot of the Alps and I still need a couple of years until I can get something there myself. Those nights, when the snow was falling and it is so very quiet, are one of the best times to be (okay, as long as you have a warm place to return to).

    • ottmar

      My favorite aspect of snow is one you describe – it makes everything so quiet.

  5. Name *Odisea

    The magic is in what is almost invisible

  6. Odisea

    The magic is in what is almost invisible

  7. Odisea

    Magic happens in what is almost invisible


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