Race Cars + Music

02015-11-07 | Ottmar | 0 comments

I had a whacky dream last night.

Formula One cars had changed from the current hybrid engines to 100% electric power + were quietly circling a race track, except for a few tire squeals.

Then they had the idea that the drivers, who recently had to pick a lifetime race number, must also pick a theme song that would be blared by a powerful sound system in each car. This way fans could not only hear the race car approach, but could also identify the driver by his music.

There was lots of heavy metal + drum n bass, but also a few Eighties hits. One former champion had selected Rick Astley’s big hit.

The POV switched to a grandstand. The camera followed a car that raced around the corner, dead last but resplendent in bright colors, and the sounds of “Barcelona Nights (Reggae Version)” blasted through the stadium section.

POV the grandstand: everyone is nodding in time with the music.

POV close up of the car: the driver’s helmet also bounces in time to the music.

Then I woke up. The End.


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