
02012-04-19 | Uncategorized | 10 comments

This time I am taking real books on tour with me. Peter Hoeg’s “Das Stille Mädchen” – I already read the book in English a couple of years ago. Jorge Luis Borges’ “Spiegel und Maske” (Mirror and Mask) – I read another book of his in English, on tour in Germany in March, and kept thinking that German might suit his writing, since I can’t read the original Spanish. “The Quantum Universe” by Brian Cox and “A Short History of Nearly Everything” by Bill Bryson.


  1. Luz

    The book by Bill Bryson looks appealing indeed, just might have to put an order for that one. Happy Reading on the tour.

  2. Ottmar

    Bill Bryson never disappoints!

  3. Adam Solomon

    Bill Bryson’s “Short History” is phenomenal.

    I haven’t read any of the Brian Cox books, but if you are looking for interesting popular physics books, my PhD advisor John Barrow has written quite a few which have gotten very good reviews. His newest one is “The Book of Universes” which describes many of the possible configurations physics allows for our Universe, and I’ve seen it in some American bookstores.

  4. Boris

    You might want to check out Peter Hoeg’s “Die Kinder der Elefantenhüter” … do not know the English title right now. Sometimes Hoeg gets carried away with elaborating thoughts but he has some nice ideas!

  5. Panj

    Enjoyed the “Das Stille Mädchen”…and although it was a bit dark, it kept my interest throughout. I especially loved the ending. :-)
    Thanks for suggestion!

  6. Felipe Romero

    Dear OL and OL friends,

    I want to share something small but very significant for me: next week I will go to Santa Fe. I grew up in Bogotá, Colombia, and I’ve been listening to OL since I was a kid. Some things have changed: Nowadays I study philosophy and cognitive science in the US, and I will visit The Santa Fe Institute for academic reasons. Other things haven’t changed: I’m still a huge OL fan.

    My father introduced me to OL’s music when I was maybe 10, and I remember that back then I used to wonder what the mystical landscapes that inspired so many great songs looked like, particularly while listening to the Opium CD. Well, I hope I will get at least a glimpse of that.

    My IPod is now loaded with my OL CDs, including Dune -perfect soundtrack for my trip!


  7. Ottmar

    If I remember correctly the SFe Institute used to be on Garcia Street, about a block from where I used to live. Now it is on Hyde Park Road, half way up the ski mountain. I guess they want to keep their visitors away from the bars in town…

    Enjoy your stay!

    And let me know if you need local food recommendations.

  8. Felipe Romero

    Ottmar, absolutely, I’d really appreciate your local food recommendations! I was thinking of going to El Farol Bar (I don’t know whether it is good, but it’s a symbolic place for people who work on decision theory like me ) Besides that, I don’t have much plans so far for my spare time. Thanks!

  9. Ottmar

    I am sorry to have forgotten about this. You may have already left Santa Fe by now, but if you are still here…

    breakfast at Tia Sophia’s on West San Francisco
    lunch at La Boca on Marcy Street
    dinner at Santacafe, outside on the patio (I order only appetizers: the spring rolls, dumplings and calamari)

    a walk along the last section of Acequia Madre, a tiny, windy, one-way road…

  10. Felipe Romero

    I’m still around, for another week. It’s been great so far, intellectually and personally. Yesterday I saw a couple of people wearing OL t-shirts. Nice coincidence. It’s also cool how seeing the streets and the landscape allows me to appreciate your music in a different way.

    Thanks for the recommendations. Tia Sophia’s: check. I will try to make room for the other places you suggest.


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