Wednesday in Manhattan

02009-12-09 | Photos | 4 comments

A big snow storm was forecast for Monday Evening and I decided to get out of Dodge before it hit. Made it to Albuquerque without a problem and stayed at a hotel near the airport. I am told Santa Fe received more than half a foot of snow and I-25 was closed, in other words I wouldn’t have made it to the airport on Tuesday Morning.

The flight from Dallas to New York felt worse than the flight from Dallas to Tokyo last month, because I am still battling a cold. The drive into Manhattan seemed to take forever in rush-hour traffic and I developed quite the headache. After I checked into the hotel I took a little walk to clear my head. Bergdorf-Goodman‘s windows on Fifth Avenue were quite a sight, as you can see here and here. (((Google Image Search)))

After sleeping longer than usual I woke up feeling a little better. It was raining and so I didn’t take my Leica with me. The best camera is always the one you carry with you. After the rain cleared around noon, the light became magnificent and I had to make do with my phone. The 99 cent Tilt-Shit Generator application makes up for the lack of focus-control by allowing selective blurring of the image. I quite like it.

And elsewhere…

An installation at Hermes in Tokyo. If only more advertising was this lovely.

VH alerted me to this item on NPR:

Cargo Bikes: Riding With The Kids, And The Kitchen Sink : NPR
Picture a vehicle that can carry around your kids and groceries efficiently, and doesn’t burn any fossil fuels. But there’s one drawback: You have to pedal it yourself.

Cargo bicycles are specially designed bikes that can haul several hundred pounds. Long popular in Europe, they’re starting to make their way into the United States.


  1. Vic

    Interesting app, Ottmar. ; ) Which Leica do you carry with you? I’m thinking of adding the Canon G11 to my arsenal of DSLRs as an option of being able to carry something smaller with me.

  2. Panj

    Thanks for the pics, Ottmar…and please get WEll soon! God Speed!

  3. Brenda

    Stay Bundled – Keep Walking – Cat Naps – Hot Tea – Journalism and Photo’s are so Great! Thanks!

  4. LindaW

    You were wise to leave Santa Fe early. Tuesday morning brought streets of ice and harsh winds that served to polish this to a skating rink sheen.

    There is still ice on side streets.. so take care when you get home!!

    (Glad you were able to replace the hat!!)


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