Saturday 090328

02009-03-28 | Uncategorized | 3 comments

Our first performance together went well. Jon was happy and declared the band 80% perfect. After being disappointed by the sound on stage during soundcheck – the guitars sounded extremely tinny (((thin, bright))) – filling the theater with bodies for the performance provided the solution, and it sounded very nice. There were a few missed cues, but it was evident that the band-members were listening, and we had some genuinely beautiful moments.

After the concert a meet & greet in the green room.

Woke up in Torrence. Left the bus at 08:00 looking for a cafe. Ended up walking five miles. Met only one other pedestrian, a man carrying a pink umbrella against the sun. We smiled and nodded heads. So many unused sidewalks in Southern California! I wondered whether it would be smart to transform those sidewalks into mixed use for pedestrians and bicyclists. It seems to me that bikes generally play better with pedestrians that cars play with bikes. Since hardly anybody walks on these sidewalks anyway, one might as well make cycling safer. Google led me to a Starbucks inside a Target, then to a cafe that turned out to be a Mexican restaurant and was closed, and at last to another Starbucks. Returned to the bus a little before 11:00, just as it was getting rather warm outside.

By the way, make sure you download the music you want – check the Music Category for all downloads – in the next few days, because the links for downloading the March offerings will expire during the first week of April. There will be new download-offerings for April, of course, and you can still listen to the embedded tracks (((the embedded tracks are of lower quality than the downloads))), but the links to the downloads will no longer work.


  1. Carol

    What would we do without Google? Finding a cafe and your way when you’re walking is one I haden’t thought of.
    The man with the pink umbrella probably had a black one at home, but with California wanting to prohibit black cars,black umbrellas may be discouraged too.
    I like your idea of having pedestrians sharing the sidewalk with bicyclists…in areas that are not walker congested.

  2. Brenda

    Being 80% …. Brought to mind the Paerto’s Principle…. Within that thinking .. the wonder of how the environment? hospitality? Audience? And the thoughts of your drummers comment of (unlike a blind date). So, each musician brings to the band their unique passion which would be the 20% of the 80/20 Rule (Paerto’s Principle) but my wonder is , “if the band is 80% perfect , then would the audience(the blind date) need to complete the remaining 20%?

  3. Anjali

    I was at the Livermore performance and it was a moving experience for me. Thank you!! I’m only sorry I missed the first 10-15 minutes..


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