Monday Piano

02009-03-10 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

Today I read this article on Joseph Beuys in the Guardian. The author writes:

But, to my mind, Homogeneous Infiltration for Piano (((from 1966))) is his best piece, a truly great work of art; one that I revisit whenever I have the chance. Like Mark Rothko’s giant black canvases, it draws you in and calms you down. And in doing so achieves one of Beuys’s aims – to change the status quo. I love it all the more for introducing me to the weird and wonderful world of Joseph Beuys. A world of myth, ideas, obsessions and hope. A world where facts and fiction are indistinguishable. Jeremy Paxman can have University Challenge; Beuysworld is my kind of place, where questions don’t have answers, but just offer up more questions.

Where questions don’t have answers, but just offer up more questions. Maybe, if a question does not birth another question, we have misundertood it or we not looking deep enough. A good question is like one of those Russian Dolls – it’s Turtles all the way down.

Where questions don’t have answers, but just offer up more questions.
Or, where a question is a hand beckoning, a door half-opened… our moon nature by ochazuke:

A haiku is not a poem,
it is not literature;
it is a hand beckoning,
a door half-opened,
a mirror wiped clean.

– R.H. Blythe

The mirror wiped clean… The character of a shiny surface is to show grime and dirt. You wipe, it gets dirty, you wipe, it gets dirty. It’s wiped clean for seconds, minutes, hours, before it appears dirty again. Delusion is as inherent as enlightenment, and clinging to either is futile.

Where questions don’t have answers, but just offer up more questions.

I do like Homogeneous Infiltration for Piano very much. Now, what would that piano sound like…


  1. Will

    “Maybe, if a question does not birth another question, we have misundertood it or we not looking deep enough”

    This is the creative process wrapped into one sentence. Can it be altered, can it be made better, what if I do this, can it be built bigger, better and/or stronger? Questions are the premise of the creative mind.

  2. Thomas Faes

    Hallo Ottmar

    Ich schreibe diesen Comment in Deutsch, in Englisch, in this case,it would be to hard to handle for me.

    Ich habe einst meine Diplomarbeit zum Religionslehrer (what a job) zum Thema ‘Joseph Beuys und das Christliche in seiner Kunst’ geschrieben. Interessant ist, das Beuys im ‘Leiden der Kreatur’ das wahre Wärme- oder Energiepotential im Kosmos sieht.

    Das Leiden. Nirgends sind sich Christus und Buddha wohl näher.

    Peaceful Regards



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