Bike Your Drive

02008-11-07 | Bicycle | 0 comments

Bike Your Drive with REI: Easy Bike Commuting Tips, Gear and How-To Advice
Biking Facts: Did You Know?

5 reasons to bike your drive

1. The average person loses 13 pounds their first year of commuting by bike.
2. 40% of all car trips in the U.S. are made within 2 miles of home.
3. 60% of the pollution created by autos happens in the first few minutes of operation, before pollution control devices can work effectively.
4. Just 3 hours of biking per week can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke by 50%.
5. The U.S. could save 462 million gallons of gas a year by boosting bicycle trips just half a percentage point: from 1% to 1.5% of all trips.

(Via EcoVelo)

There you have it. Nice little list to stare at and consider…

Yesterday I needed a few grocery items for dinner – I had made a wild arugula and cashew pesto ((( with parmigiano and olive oil and garlic of course))) – and rode the Brompton with the basket in front to the store. Yes, it was cold, but it always amazes me how quickly movement heats the body. By the time I started on my hill I was getting too warm.

Here is a trailer for a Japanese (((fixie))) bike movie:

trailer for FUMIKIRI from JAN on Vimeo.

Check out the Green Hummer Project


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