Listening to: silence
Currently reading: Assassin’s Cloak
Momus did it 2 years ago and wrote about it for Wired.
I did it today.
If a person wants to find out about my music or touring schedule they can enter my name in that little google search window.
Good-bye thousands of friends…
I went from Friendster to MySpace and Twitter to Facebook. I like Facebook only in that I feel I have a little more control…I haven’t been bombarded with spam…yet. I don’t do a lot of posting, but I like keeping up with friends’ photos, videos, etc. And then I keep a LinkedIn page for business relations. That’s all I need.
Ha! Twitter is fun. Don’t like Facebook. I ignore the Linkedin invitations I receive constantly. I also get lots of invitations for lesser known social networks. I find them all a waste of time. My networking is called email. :)
Anyway, musicians should use their spare time playing their instrument rather than networking. I think the benefits of networking are overstated and overrated. It’s another internet-bubble of questionable value. Just my 2c.
Yes I agree, Twitter was fun…especially when I was traveling (and my friends were traveling), but I had updates going to my cell phone, and I felt like it was going off every 2 minutes! I guess the alternative is to just use it as a web application. I can understand that for you LinkedIn is a waste of time…yes you should be playing vs. networking. Your music is a form of networking, yes? But for me, since I’m freelance, I find it useful. And bottom line, it all comes down to how consumed you allow yourself to become with it :)
Congratulations for breaking free of the Myspace Collective! Net-Individuality is so refreshing.
I found Livejournal to have more creative and intellectual freedom than either Myspace or Facebook. More privacy too, if you’re ultra paranoid like me. :D
Suprise, I enter to my myspace, and then I saw Ottmar dissapear from my top friends, :( . About the articule in the Wired, yeah its true, I have a lot of “friends ghost”, and the privacy, people are one more arrow in a database. I dont even know them. Althought is a way to promote your music, redirect to your site, OL myspace had thousands of visits. Well, if you reopen let me know, Im fan since 94 at the first time I hear “the hours between..” Thanks for coming to EC, I saw the pictures of my city, Quito. Great pictures! What camera u use it? Now I am lokking to get you cd One guitar. Grettings.