
02007-06-23 | Music, Recording | 5 comments

A little while ago I sent Andrew Gaskins a folder containing guitar samples, phrases and loops to start a new collaboration. This week he sent me the first piece, a beautiful track called “As Night Falls Gently”, which he created using some of those guitar elements together with new keyboard parts he played. When I get home I will play guitar to the new track and return that to Andrew to finish up. “As Night Falls Gently” would make a great title for the album as well.

Also see this, this and this.


  1. Anna

    Ottmar, looking forward to hearing the new CD.

  2. Diran

    This autumn will be interesting with new Cd ,next band-album and new DVD?? I hope…Looking forward to have those.

  3. Diran

    Am I the only one mentioning DVD?or, Is not anyone waiting for to see the new DVD?..( I hope i ‘m not the only one.)
    This question for you also Ottmar..

  4. Carol

    Great title…

  5. Adam Solomon

    Sounds great! And I agree with Carol, awesome title. Hmm, am I the only one here who’s expecting a flood of, like, 5 OL albums at once? There are so many albums in the work from what I hear here, I expect one day we’ll all wake up and there’ll be a new blog post saying “Up Close, Duets album, Jon/Rahim/Barrett band album, and As Night Falls Gently are all available in the Listening Lounge, the online store, and at a music store near you. Enjoy!” :)


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