Saturday, March 24th

02007-03-24 | Photos, Santa Fe, Travel | 4 comments

After a few warm Spring days Winter has returned and snow is piling up on the tender blossoms of the apricot trees, always daring to be the first to bloom. The clouds are white and hang low, like cottonballs enveloping Santa Fe.

Yesterday evening I had dinner in town with friends from Upaya. The conversation was wonderful and as a result dinner took three hours. That meant I missed the Santa Fe Workshop slideshows at the Inn at Loretto, but I went to see Greg and Arthur aterwards and Arthur was kind enough to show me some of his photographs on his PowerBook. Amazing images!

I drove home around midnight and realized that I had not been out in Santa Fe that late in a while. It was nice driving through town at that hour. For some reason it reminded me of being 16-18 years old and the many times I missed the last streetcar from somewhere in Cologne to Deutz on the other side of the river, walking home through empty streets at 2 or 3AM in the morning. I remember thoroughly enjoying those walks, the only time you can find quiet in a city. Next month I will return to Cologne for the first time since 1994. I am looking forward to it.


  1. Gudrun

    Ottmar, it will be very exciting for me to know you at a distance of only 350 miles from my hometown!
    1994 – Those were the days….Viel Vergnügen beim Wandeln auf alten Spuren….

  2. Carol

    You describe it so beautifully. Will we get to see a photo of your apricot blossoms. at least they can please the eyes of many if not the taste buds.
    I’m happy you’re returning to Cologne next month. So many memories for you there.
    We are having the kind of soothing pitter pat on the skylight of a steady spring rain. The finches are loving it, and you can just watch the tulips grow .

  3. llindaskaye

    Ottmar, beautiful imagininges…springe is in the aire here also and it is feelinge very nice…this may be a “be dumb” questione but wonderinge pictures whey handinge out toothbrushes in china to the local peoples there…!? i knowe weird but really wonderinge…!? lovinge my guitar also…amore amiogoeas, llindaskaye e.p. *******

  4. Christian

    hi ottmar,

    are you playing some gig´s here in germany?
    would be beautiful.

    greetings from koblenz


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