EU’s Bold Energy Plan

02007-03-17 | Environment, News, World | 1 comment

EU’s Bold Energy Plan Casts Shame on Other Nations’ Retinence (TreeHugger)
How Europe Can Save the World boasted the headline in The Guardian as it welcomed the “deal which is arguably the most important since (the European Union’s) foundation 50 years ago.” TreeHugger scooped the major media to bring you the EU’s ambitious energy plan with the critical question: “Is there value in leadership if no one is following?” Now, we have the chance to find out.

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One leg always takes the first step. Hopefully the other leg follows and the body is carried forward. I am happy that the EU is taking this step and hope that it will start a trend.

1 Comment

  1. marijose

    Even when governments don’t do enough, people can still take steps to conserve energy and help the environment. Every baby step counts. Now it’s easier than ever with so much information available online. Thanks for the great environmental links on the right of this website.


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