Thursday Morning Stuff

02007-01-18 | Recording, Santa Fe | 11 comments

It’s Thursday Morning. 100% cloud cover. Like somebody had tied a bed-sheet above Santa Fe….

All of the iTunes reviews by the other “Ottmar Liebert” were taken down yesterday. I am off to have breakfast with Jon.

The Rahim, Ottmar, Jon and Barrett project (note to self – must find better name for the group!) is shaping up nicely. The few people who have heard it LOVE it. Maybe a Summer 2007 release…

Lots of interesting and even exciting stuff going on… hm, but nothing I can tell you about yet. What a tease…


  1. Luz

    I was wondering what happened to the music that had been created in the past. Looking forward to hearing the music in the near future. BTW, it too has been cloudy and rainy here and will be through the weekend. ;-( Looking forward to seeing Mr. Sun sometime soon.

  2. laurie

    …a good practice in patience – but it sounds exciting!

  3. Mark

    I wish I can have breakfast with you guys. That would be pretty awesome. I was just wondering about a new release. Maybe if things go well it can be a spring release.

  4. Carol

    You always have something exciting to share with us. Isn’t life great?

  5. dave

    How about an acronym for the name such as borj or jorb or broj?

  6. Julia

    Playing with anxiety ….

  7. Boris

    Can’t wait that a few more people will hear that … eh? … east western blend?!

  8. Gudrun

    Dave- how sounds job.r? Like flik.r?

    Ottmar, we all are really very keen to hear about news from your projects and you will tease us? Scherzkeks! :) :)….

  9. Gudrun

    Sorry, I mean flick.r. I listen concurrent “Havana Club”, I’m not very multitasking today…

  10. Diran

    Hi Ottmar
    While i was reading exciting stuff on your dairy i had a bad news.
    ( I know nothing to do with subject.)
    Turkish Armenian Journalist was killed in Turkey.

  11. Linda

    hello! firstly, Ottmar we are great fans of your work.. can’t wait to hear tunes from your new project…
    I wanted to also add a comment regarding Diran’s message about the Armenian Journalist that was killed in Turkey. It’s a very sad event and the whole Armenian community has been affected…
    Thank you for being a great inspiration to many!


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