Antarctica’s Chimneys

02007-01-04 | Environment, Photos | 2 comments

Antarctic Chimneys
Antarctica’s towering Seuss-esque chimneys
The flanks of Erebus are spiked with ice towers, hundreds of them, called fumaroles. Gas and heat seeping through the side of the volcano melt the snowpack above, carving out a cave. Steam escaping from the cave freezes as soon as it hits the air, building chimneys as high as 60 feet.
(Via BoingBoing)

I hear that you can’t buy a snow shovel in Santa Fe. They are sold out everywhere.

Meanwhile the BBC reports that 2006 was the warmest year on record and predicts that 2007 will be even warmer.

When you have fallen down – do you stay down and figure out why you have fallen, or do you first get up? In other words let’s do something about Global Warming and stop the idiotic fighting about why it might be happening. Increasing CO2 levels are obviously playing a big part – so let’s have a carbon-tax or carbon-trading system.

PS: with the heat turned off, my house is 72º degrees inside right now – I just checked because I was getting warm while practicing guitar… not exactly your average January.


  1. Heather

    “I hear that you can’t buy a snow shovel in Santa Fe. They are sold out everywhere.”

    *chuckle* I thought of you earlier this week and wondered if I needed to send you a snow scraper for your car.

  2. Michael

    There is already an agricultural/economic shift in the wine growing regions of the world due to global warming. I am just north of Temecula, California and can’t imagine the impact this (warming) will have on the local economy.

    “We’ve seen southern England, for example, which hasn’t produced wonderful wine maybe since before the little ice age, producing wine now that is of reasonable quality. And, so in the future do we look at southern England as being the new wine growing region of the world?”

    see article in ScienCentral News.


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