Bottled Water

02006-02-10 | Uncategorized | 3 comments

Bottled Water – Lifting the Lid
Firstly let’s be clear about this, in most modern communities tap water is often more ‘pure’ than bottled water. Indeed in the USA tap water is regulated by the EPA, whereas the FDA look over the shoulder of bottled water suppliers, using less stringent criteria. As eMagazine points out ‘40 percent of bottled water began life as, well, tap water.’ In the same comprehensive article, eMag note that the NRDC had 1,000 bottles of water tested and discovered that a ‘third of the tested brands were found to contain contaminants such as arsenic and carcinogenic compounds in at least some samples at levels exceeding state or industry standards.’ And in one study at Syracuse University, ‘… they found that one-fourth of bottled water had 10 times the bacterial count of tap water.’ And who is selling us this bottled water in the first place?
(Via Treehugger)

I find that my filtered well-water tastes better than most bottled water. I am concerned about those millions of plastic-bottles that are thrown away every day. Many places now sell stainless steel bottles which means you take your water with you without leaving plastic at every corner. I use THIS bottle, but there are many different brands to choose from.


  1. Luz

    I agree Ottmar about all those plastic bottles just thrown and wasted. My Brita filtered water works just fine and I will definitely look into a stainless steel water canteen.

  2. marijose

    On a somewhat related note, it sure would be nice if more takeout food and coffee/tea shops allowed customers to bring their own cups or mugs instead of using disposable cups. They could offer a discount if customers did this, maybe try to build brand loyalty by only allowing customers to bring cups or mugs purchased there.

  3. R. Soto

    Living in Southwest Florida, (btw, loved your recent performance in Clearwater but come on down to Ft. Myers/Naples area next time) I just heard about Biota’s great biodegradable bottled water available over here, on the news. Check out

    and the other links there within the story!


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