Over the last few weeks I have noticed a nasty little compression click-sound in my left ear. I really noticed it when listening to the solo guitar pieces I improvised. I knew that I have hearing loss in my left ear for a while, but this new phenomenon means I can no longer completely trust my ears to hear digital clicks/artifacts while I am mixing an album. That in turn means that I will have to ask Jon to check my mixes for artifacts I haven’t noticed.
What this also means for me is this:
— I may be able to make music for a long time – or not.
— I may be able to perform with a band after this year – or not.
— I may have to start doing more solo concerts because they will be easier on my ears. I think it is interesting that I formed the idea of combining a solo concert with a lecture a couple of days before I noticed the compression/click in my ear.
I will see my acupuncturist after the upcoming mini tour next week, as she has helped my ears before.
I seem to keep changing my mind regarding comments. For now I have turned them off again. To allow comments means that one is open for a dialog and willing to read the comments. At this time I am not open for a dialog nor do I want to take the time to read them. I have enjoyed reading your comments in the past, but now is not the time for that. Right now I want to concentrate on music. And, regarding my music and the distribution of my work: I will offer new music in the medium of my choice and of course it will be your choice whether to accept/purchase that offering or not.
You can follow the LINK on the right to Adam’s OL Forum for venting, discussion and community building.
That’s it for today: off to visit my guitar.