Famous Blue Lawsuit

02005-08-20 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

As reported by the CBC, singer Leonard Cohen has accused his former business manager of stealing $5 million from his savings during the five years he lived at the Mt. Baldy Zen Center. While there, the singer was ordained as a Zen monk and given the name of Jikan, ‘silent one.’ Cohen had planned to retire with the missing funds – now another album and possibly a tour are in the works. While the lawsuit may require some desire, Cohen has not lost the insight he gained during his years as a monk. As quoted in the Independent, ‘I don’t want anybody hurt,’ he said. ‘It’s not my nature to pursue and contend with people that way.’


  1. Yumiko

    Philosophically yes,
    Cohen has his health, mind, spirit. The world gets to experience his artistry firsthand in a tour and the anticipation of a new album.

    Realistically, stealing $5 million? That’s horrible.

  2. Carol

    It makes me sick to think that someone he probably thought of as a friend could count money above everything that’s important in life. He’s still a whole lot richer than that bum of a business manager. i think he’d better get that money back and use it for more humane purposes.


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