Would you like to have a seat, rest your bones and listen? On Tuesday, October 11th, this album will be available as a CD in stores and as downloads from our ListeningLounge as well as iTunes, Napster and such.
No, you are not drunk. The photo is indeed quite blurry. I took it one December night without flash or tripod – but I like the way it looks/feels.
speechless. i must have drunken too much Eierlikör because all is comfortably blurred to me … :)
Lots of smiles here! Can hardly wait to hear it!
So the 33rd Street issue has been resolved? I hope so and am glad to see the CD will be in stores.
I’m with Matt–good to know 10-11 is still the date!
I can’t wait to hear Winter Rose! Ooohhh, October isn’t THAT far away…(drumming fingers)… (thrump thrump thrump)…in the meantime, Thanks for all the links!
It was interesting to read that Pythagoras used Music to heal illness…just knew it was so!…and yours most of all!!!
ps…the selections on Winter Rose look SCRUMPTOUS!…:-)))
It’s a perfect cover for it.