
02005-07-19 | Uncategorized | 3 comments

This morning I stopped by Whole Foods to pick up a few items. As I was getting out of my Prius an elderly woman was entering the parking spot across from me. I had been careful not to hit a shopping cart that had been left between the parking spaces, but the woman seemed to not see it at all. She ran into the cart which was hurled against my car. I checked the damage to my front fender, which was just a minor scratch, and called out to the woman, who was exiting her car. She looked at me with disdain, as if I had asked her for money and went on her way ignoring me completely.

Another woman sitting in a car to my right, apparently enjoying a quick bite to eat said: She didn’t even see the cart and that could have been a person. Shouldn’t be driving!

I agreed, but pointed out that there isn’t adequate public transportation available in Santa Fe and that I understood why this lady was still driving, even though she obviously was not completely capable anymore…

That incident made me wonder. We are such a car-centric society, what will happen when all of the boomers are too old to drive, but still drive because there isn’t enough public transportation. Millions of lethal drivers… driving will be like playing frogger!!!


  1. Curt

    It is my opinion that after a certain age, drivers should be required to take a road test once per year. I know this could become quite an issue with one elderly driver after another losing their right to occupy the highways, but as your post stated that could have been a person and if the question comes down to someone losing their license or having one of my family members struck down by someone that couldn’t control their vehicle – well, that’s a no-brainer.

    Personally, I’m fully prepared for my annual road tests (in another 30 years or so!).

  2. Gnome of the Garden

    It is the law here in Canada.!

    No getting around it! Unfair , unfortunate what age can rob some people of!


  3. Mel

    I like the game Frogger! :-)

    I must say that I agree with Curt here. Unfortunately, as we all know, the only sure things in life are death and taxes. We all age, and age brings on certain things like diminished eyesight, diminished hearing, diminished reflexes, and in some cases, diminished brain function. I would be willing to take a yearly driving test, not only for my safety, but for the safety of those around me. I think that being concerned for my life and the lives of others is definitely worth swallowing my pride for. Same goes for driving while intoxicated!!!


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