Jon is creating beautiful ambient tracks on the bus, which prompts the idea to create ListeningLounge-only albums of ambient music (t-one 2005?), possibly combined with slideshow or QT movie visuals you will be able to download. I think in this sense the LL will be quite liberating in that certain ideas or pieces can be released without having to commit to a big production, i.e. designing + manufactoring CDs…. very exciting possibilities.
Would that make Jon LL Cool J?!
okay okay, I need to quit.
sounds thrilling
Can’t wait! I love ambient – I always have it on (electronica/chill/dub/etc.) while I’m working, because it doesn’t demand a significant part of my attention.
Music with lyrics, especially profound lyrics, can be rather distracting. ;)
I’ve always dreamed of an ambient release from you… hearing Twilight Rain on Nouveaumatic was such a great tease as to what _might_ come from LN some day in the future!